Plugin for Kodi that will turn off the Sony Bravia TV screen as screensaver. Finally a real screensaver and power saver.
- Download repository as zip file.
- Make a new folder named "screensaver.sonyscreenoff" in addons directory of Kodi
- For Android: /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/.kodi/addons/screensaver.sonyscreenoff/
- For Windows: c:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\screensaver.sonyscreenoff\
- Copy contents to "screensaver.sonyscreenoff" folder
- Enable plugin in Kodi (under Look and feel/Screensaver)
- Configure plugin
- Fill in IP address
- Press OK to save and close IP address
- Open configuration again
- Start pairing and fill in the code that pop ups on your Sony Bravia TV
- Now a message will say "Paired!", hopefully...
- Press OK to save and close configuration
- Enjoy!
This plugin uses the fine "bravialib" library by 8none1: