The purpose of this project is to create a common logging framework service that will allow logging through simple REST api. There are also custom handler/appender implementations for the 2 most prevalent Java logging frameworks in play.
- slf4j
- Log4j
- rest-server: wrapper to run jetty with spring framework integration
- logging-service-server: main class to startup logging service api
- logging-service: main module contain all the service api and dao classes
- slf4j-rest-impl: implementation of slflog4j, that will talk to logging service API if enabled else do the normal Log4j
- log4j-rest-logging-service: Log4j appender for logging to Logging Service API
- service-client: service client to logging service api
# from parent project
$ mvn clean install
$ cd logging-service-server
$ mvn exec-java
# sample insert new log entry
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{\"type\":\"log\",\"category\":\"INFO\",\"message\":\"my log message\",\"details\":\"my long message details\",\"source\":\"sample app\",\"ipAddress\":\"\",\"logTimeSec\":1247573626}" http://localhost:8080/logs
# sample get
$ curl http://localhost:8080/logs/63b2ff7d-d83f-4701-a9e6-09e8fece6f2f