This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 7, 2024. It is now read-only.
The release contains vm-import-operator supporting oVirt as source provider.
The operator runs in cluster-scope, watching any namespace for vmimports
Features & Bugs:
- Change version format to vX.Y.Z
- Making sure that transient resources' label values are not longer than 63 characters
- Use operator namespace to find os config map
- Added privileges to vm-import-operator cluster role
- docs: add design documents
- Placement policy validation against LiveMigration KubeVirt feature gate Fixes #120
- Add permissions for templates
- templates: use vminstance namespace to process template
- KubeVirt config provider
- Block import of VM without disks
- client: connect oVirt client only when needed
- Generated clientset
- Use CDI v1.15.0
- Add map disk interface method
- Allow targetVmName to be optional
- Set data-volume prefix to disk-
- Rely on templates labels
- Fixed DST change detection Africa/El_Aaiun observes DST from May 31 to April 19
- Using vm.TimeZone.UtcOffset if available
- Add permissions to finalizers of vm
- Allowing only UTC-compatible VM timezones Fixes #93
- Add permissions to watch vmi
- Processing condition lifecycle amendment
- MappingRulesChecking->MappingRulesVerified
- Validating->Valid status condition
- Use suffixes in memory and disk size
- Allowing user to force default storage class
- Stopping oVirt VM if cached VM status is not 'down'
- Use disk resource mappings in disk mapping Fixes #80
- Set VM as owner of DV
- Ignore missing storage resource mapping
- Gracefully re-queueing on validation failure. Fixes #62
- Honoring cluster_default bios type #57
- Add watching of VM and DVs
- templates: make template handling provider agnostic
- Mapping network frontend
- DV secret and config map management refactoring
- Use the retrieved template name in vm label
- Preserve template labels
- Set namespace for new VMs
- Add labels to VM spec about the template
- Add OS mapping
- Using common templates
- Config maps manager
- Secrets manager package
- Removing data volume owner references
- After success method
- VM status validation Allowing only 'up' or 'down'
- Add DiskMappings for specific disk mappings
- Nic mappings
- Adding vendor
- Map VM attributes
- VM validators refactoring
- Resource mappings validators refactoring
- Add mapper module
- Condition management package
- Normalize VM name
- Retrieval and merging of resource mappings
- Make external resource mapping optional
- Validating import CR in the reconciliation loop
- Completing 'Validating' condition successful y when necessary
- Storage mapping validation
- Refactor Reconcile method
- Network mapping validator
- Expect decoded CA Certificate in ovirt-secret
- Validation rules fixes
- Create methods to ensure CM/Secret existence
- Improve condition to check VM existence
- Cluster is optional if VM ID provided
- Support CACert in base64 format
- Update ovirt secret example
- Using proper condition for validation status reporting
- oVirt VM validation
- Add ResourceMapping CRD
- Rich oVirt client
- VM rules
- Storage rules
- Allow specifying target VM name
- NIC validation
- Initial reconcile implementation
- Admission hook skeleton
- Update VMImport custom resource
- Rename organization to kubevirt
- Change version to v1alpha1
- docs: add design documents