A clickable grid generator. Blazing fast website-layout generation with an intuitive and interactive tool.
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- React - The web framework used
- npm - a JavaScript package manager
- redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Used to make some props accessible accross components
- react-redux - React binding for Redux
- redux-devtools-extension - Used during development. Gives you an overview of the current store and its changes in a browser's DevTools.
- node-sass - used in order to be able to work with Sass
- react-lowlight - used for automatic syntax highlighting of produced code
- highlight.js - syntax highlighter on which react-lowlight is built on
- re-resizable - a resizable component for React. Used for resizable show component and Viewport-selectors
- react-ds - touch friendly drag-to-select-component. Used for area-selection
- react-copy-to-clipboard - cross-browser copy-to-clipboard support
- jest - easy to use testing library. Test runner and Assertion Library
- enzyme - testing utility for React for testing React Components
- enzyme-adapter-react-16
- enzyme-to-json - Serializer that allows for Jest snapshot testing
- husky - allows to declare git hooks in package.json file to prevent 'bad' commits/pushs