- React - The JavaScript web-framework used
- Create React App - easy to use React-Babel-Webpack configuration
- npm - a JavaScript package manager
- django - a Python web-framework used for developing the backend managing the blog's commenting system
- redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Used to make some props accessible accross components
- react-redux - React binding for Redux
- redux-thunk - used for asynchronous axios calls
- redux-devtools-extension - Used during development. Gives you an overview of the current store and its changes in a browser's DevTools.
- node-sass - used in order to be able to work with Sass
- react-router-dom - DOM bindings for React Router
- react-router-hash-link - Hash link functionality for React
- react-helmet - document head manager for react (SEO purposes)
- animate.css - animations used for the navigation menu
- react-simple-maps - An svg map component built with and for React
- react-motion - used to zoom into the map on the home-page
- react-cookie-consent - used to make a cookie consent bar
- babel-polyfill - used for SEO reasons