All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
12.0.0 (2021-01-12)
- add "from" and "to" props to DatePicker component (#1123) (7f841e0)
- add blukActionArea in Head of Table (SHRUI-8) (#937) (bf0158a)
- add border style to MessageDialog (#1059) (add5da7)
- add darkenAmount argument to hoverColor method (#950) (7d78586)
- add hasBlank and blankLabel props to Select (#1061) (165e104)
- add Shin color (SHRUI-227) (#1141) (1c8063a)
- add SideNav component (#1142) (6bae12c), closes /github.com/kufu/smarthr-ui/pull/1142#discussion_r533174306
- change the attribute of radius (#1080) (0e5bb8f)
- expose Icon components individually (#1127) (f7e716b)
- fix style of disabling selectbox (#1184) (04f0240)
- support React v17 (#1151) (dc23011)
Bug Fixes
- invalid html width attribute (#1105) (1061356)
- add aria and role attributes to dialog (#1033) (92561f3), closes /github.com/kufu/smarthr-ui/pull/1033#discussion_r529388476
- add aria and role attributes to Pagenation (#1124) (8a5ac30)
- add aria-checked to checkbox (#1029) (69dfed1)
- add aria-controls to accordion button triggers for Change default Expanded (#1140) (8d366c2)
- add aria-describedby (#1137) (d98f729)
- add background-color white (#1260) (3caa554)
- add box-sizing: border-box to textarea (#1060) (14e8f06)
- add optional chaining to _isChildPortal (#1236) (6258036)
- add type props to button (#1086) (f603a16)
- change disabled props to transient props (#1092) (1af1390)
- change full-width space to half-width (#1201) (889aa2b)
- change loader animation (#1173) (abddc8f), closes /github.com/kufu/smarthr-ui/pull/1173#discussion_r532369303
- change the minimum value of from props in the calendar component (#1122) (5718806)
- change theme props to transient props (#1081) (960bc98)
- change to add aria-label to icon (#1110) (3254aef)
- change width props to temporary props (#1089) (44bbe36)
- checkboxLabel where the label contains a "div" and "p" (#1083) (96e6b69)
- DatePicker bugs (#1091) (11edaab)
- dialog focus management (#889) (b9fde13)
- fallback parentElement of svg element for IE (#1241) (d4ae54e)
- fix input width for firefox (#1253) (d9fc669)
- improve accessibility of MultiComboBox (SHRUI-207) (#1187) (db30633)
- improve role of infomationpanel (#1205) (116a3c4)
- invalid html attribute (#1095) (bb85bac)
- invalid html attribute (#1106) (8732440)
- make StatusLabel vertical center alignment (#879) (34cc429)
- modify auto format of CurrencyInput (SHRUI-145) (#1143) (266a0bc)
- modify not to apply hover-style to Checkbox when hover over a disabled CheckboxLabel (#1136) (0c662a3)
- pass undefined to accept instead of blank string (#1121) (514d569)
- refactor Dropdown (SHRUI-221) (#1126) (0b77df6)
- reflect feedback of SideNav (SHRUI-320) (#1251) (b66441c)
- remove that blank optgroup is displayed for IE (#1186) (06dc2db)
- replace defaultPalette (SHRUI-233) (#1153) (b323bd5)
- replace div in button with span (#1084) (8f1ed53)
- replace figurein button with span (#1082) (4c0188f)
- shifting of index when IndexNav's ListItem is inserted into a new line (#1138) (6222f57)
- update package.json (#1224) (976fb89)
- アコーディオンパネルの展開時に overflow を既定値に戻す (#1125) (8d8069b)