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Team project. It is a multi-page website for a hotel-restaurant complex "Mimino". It helps users plan and book visits to the complex, learn about services and amenities, and interact with the administration through online booking forms. This project is available at the following link:

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Project Description

A multi-page website for the "Mimino" company that helps users to plan and book visits to the restaurant-hotel complex, learn about services and amenities, and interact with the administration through online booking forms.

Design visualization

Technical Tasks Completed

  • The project was implemented using pure HTML, SASS, and JavaScript.
  • Adaptive layout implemented except for mobile devices. Breakpoints:
    • mobile: the layout is flexible, becomes adaptive at 414px;
    • tablet: 1024px;
    • desktop: 1280px.
  • Ensured semantic correctness according to HTML5 standards.
  • Connected fonts using font-face.
  • Supported image display for retina screens.
  • Optimized image loading.
  • Added page favicon display.
  • Checked layout for validity (Validator).

Practical Tasks Completed

Main page


The Header contains the logo, navigation, and a list of social media links (in mobile and desktop versions).

  • The company's logo (name) was implemented as a link that returns the user to the main page.
  • Navigation was implemented as a list of items, each containing a link to the corresponding page and contact phone numbers for feedback.
  • Social media links open external resources in a separate tab.
  • Contains buttons that open modal windows for booking a table in the restaurant and a room in the hotel.
  • The establishment's address was implemented as a link to an external map resource.
  • The tablet and desktop versions of this section contain links from the social media list.
About our restaurant and About our hotel
  • Sections don't have visible headers, so hidden ones are added for crawlers.
  • Sliders with content images was implemented using the third-party Slick slider library.
Details of our restaurant and Details of our hotel
  • Sections have sliders with content images implemented using the third-party Slick slider library.
  • Sections contain buttons that open modal windows for booking a table, room, and viewing room prices in the hotel.
  • The "Details of our restaurant" section has a "View Menu" button implemented as a link that leads the user to the Restaurant Page.
  • The section does not have a visible header, so a hidden one is added for crawlers.
  • Includes a list of contact phone numbers for feedback and the address with a Google map.

The Footer contains the logo, navigation, and a list of social media links.

  • The company's logo (name) was implemented as a link that returns the user to the main page.
  • Navigation was implemented as a list of items, each containing a link to the corresponding page.
  • Social media links open external resources in a separate tab.

Restaurant Page

  • Contains a "Book" button that opens a modal window for table booking.
  • The "View Menu" button was implemented as an anchor link that leads to the corresponding Menu section of this page.
  • The establishment's address was implemented as a link to an external map resource.
  • The tablet and desktop versions of this section contain links from the social media list.
About our kitchen
  • The section does not have a visible header, so a hidden one is added for crawlers.
  • A slider with content images was implemented using the third-party Slick slider library.
  • The restaurant menu content was implemented as a table. The "Book a Table" button opens a modal window.

Hotel Page

  • Contains buttons that open modal windows for booking a room and viewing prices.
  • The establishment's address was implemented as a link to an external map resource.
  • The tablet and desktop versions of this section contain links from the social media list.
Room Sections
  • Sections have sliders with content images implemented using the third-party Slick slider library.
  • Contains a "More Details" button implemented as a link that leads the user to the corresponding Room Page.
  • The "View Prices" button opens a modal window.

Room Page

  • The section has a slider with content images implemented using the third-party Slick slider library.
  • Contains a "View Prices" button that opens a modal window.
  • Contains a button that opens a modal window for room booking.
  • The "Return to Room View" button was implemented as a link that leads the user to the Hotel Page.

Modal windows

Implemented as forms with minimal validation.

Parcel template

This project was created with Parcel. For familiarization and setting additional features refer to documentation.

Preparing a new project

  1. Make sure you have an LTS version of Node.js installed on your computer. Download and install if needed.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Change the folder name from parcel-project-template to the name of your project.
  4. Create a new empty GitHub repository.
  5. Open the project in VSCode, launch the terminal and link the project to the GitHub repository by instructions.
  6. Install the project's dependencies in the terminal with the npm install command.
  7. Start development mode by running the npm start command.
  8. Go to http://localhost:1234 in your browser. This page will automatically reload after saving changes to the project files.

Files and folders

  • All stylesheet parshas should be in the src/sass folder and imported into the page stylesheets. For example, for index.html the style file is named index.scss.
  • Add images to the src/images folder. The assembler optimizes them, but only when deploying the production version of the project. All this happens in the cloud so as not to burden your computer, as it can take a long time on weak machines.


To set up a project deployment, you need to perform a few additional steps to set up your repository. Go to the Settings tab and in the Actions subsection select the General item.

GitHub actions settings

Scroll the page to the last section, in which make sure the options are selected as in the following image and click Save. Without these settings, the build will not have enough rights to automate the deployment process.

GitHub actions settings

The production version of the project will be automatically built and deployed to GitHub Pages, in the gh-pages branch, every time the main branch is updated. For example, after a direct push or an accepted pull request. To do this, you need to edit the homepage field and the build script in the package.json file, replacing your_username and your_repo_name with your own, and submit the changes to GitHub.

"homepage": "",
"scripts": {
  "build": "parcel build src/*.html --public-url /your_repo_name/"

Next, you need to go to the settings of the GitHub repository (Settings > Pages) and set the distribution of the production version of files from the /root folder of the gh-pages branch, if this was not done automatically.

GitHub Pages settings

Deployment status

The deployment status of the latest commit is displayed with an icon next to its ID.

  • Yellow color - the project is being built and deployed.
  • Green color - deployment completed successfully.
  • Red color - an error occurred during linting, build or deployment.

More detailed information about the status can be viewed by clicking on the icon, and in the drop-down window, follow the link Details.

Deployment status

Live page

After some time, usually a couple of minutes, the live page can be viewed at the address specified in the edited homepage property. For example, here is a link to a live version for this repository

If a blank page opens, make sure there are no errors in the Console tab related to incorrect paths to the CSS and JS files of the project (404). Most likely you have the wrong value for the homepage property or the build script in the package.json file.

How it works

How it works

  1. After each push to the main branch of the GitHub repository, a special script (GitHub Action) is launched from the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file.
  2. All repository files are copied to the server, where the project is initialized and built before deployment.
  3. If all steps are successful, the built production version of the project files is sent to the gh-pages branch. Otherwise, the script execution log will indicate what the problem is.


Team project. It is a multi-page website for a hotel-restaurant complex "Mimino". It helps users plan and book visits to the complex, learn about services and amenities, and interact with the administration through online booking forms. This project is available at the following link:







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