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kuk0 committed Mar 4, 2012
0 parents commit 1655b14
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Showing 19 changed files with 5,448 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
import os
import sys
from DCJ import DCJ
from random import choice, randint
from copy import deepcopy

class CircDCJ(DCJ):
#def __init__ (self, s):
#g = DCJ(s)
#if not g.circular():
#print "Warning:", g, "not circular"
#self = self.circularize(g)

def median (self, g1, g2, g3, errors=0): # pomocou median solvera
Use BIOMedian solver to find median of g1, g2, and g3.
BIOMedian solves the median problem for multicircular DCJ model,
however, the input genomes have to be circular.
if not (g1.circular() and g2.circular() and g3.circular()):
print g1
print g2
print g3
raise TypeError("The input genomes are not circular")
r = str(randint(0,99999))
inf = "input" + r
outf = "input" + r + ".rst"
f = open (inf, 'w')
f.write('> Genome 1\n')
f.write('C: ' + g1.__str__()[:-2] + '\n')
f.write('> Genome 2\n')
f.write('C: ' + g2.__str__()[:-2] + '\n')
f.write('> Genome 3\n')
f.write('C: ' + g3.__str__()[:-2] + '\n')
#print g1
#print g2
#print g3
os.system('java -cp ms/BIO BIOMedian '+inf+' >> /dev/null')
f = open (outf, 'r')
s = ''
for line in f:
if line[0] == '>': continue
if line[0] == '#': break
pos = line.find(':')
s += line[pos + 1:] + ' @ '
os.system('rm '+inf)
os.system('rm '+outf)
print '.',
M = DCJ(s)
if self.n != M.n:
if errors == 3:
#TODO: najlepsie odchytit exception a vypisat historiu
return [g1, g2, g3]
print "BIO ERROR"
return self.median_solver(g1, g2, g3, errors+1)
r = self.circularize(M)
return [r,]

def circularize (self, g):
Returns a set of circular genomes close to the genome.
L, C = g.numch()
if L == 0 and C == 1: return CircDCJ(g._g)
while L > 0:
h = g.rand_neigh()
while h.numlin() >= L:
h = g.rand_neigh()
g = h
L = g.numlin()
while C > 1:
h = g.rand_neigh()
while h.numcirc() >= C:
h = g.rand_neigh()
g = h
C = g.numcirc()
return CircDCJ(h._g)

def circularize2 (self):
Returns a set of circular genomes close to the genome.
print self
L, C = self.numch()
if L == 0 and C == 1: return # [self, ]
while L > 0:
h = self.rand_neigh()
while h.numlin() >= L:
h = self.rand_neigh()
self = h
L = self.numlin()
print self
while C > 1:
h = self.rand_neigh()
while h.numcirc() >= C:
h = self.rand_neigh()
self = h
C = self.numcirc()
print self
print "vysledok:", self
#return [CircDCJ(h._self)]

def rand_neigh(self):
g = DCJ(self._g)
h = g.rand_neigh()
#while not h.circular():
#h = g.rand_neigh()
return CircDCJ(h._g)

def neigh(self):
c = []
for i in xrange(0, self.n):
if self._g[i] > i:
for j in xrange(i + 1, self.n):
if self._g[j] > j:
u = deepcopy(self)
u.swap (i, self._g[i], j, self._g[j])
if u.circular():
return c

def betterer_neigh (self, z):
g = DCJ(self._g)
z = [DCJ(g._g) for g in z]
neigh = g.betterer_neigh(z)
if len(neigh) == 0:
print '-----'
print z[0]
print z[1]
print z[2]
return [self.circularize(h) for h in neigh]
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
from LinRev import LinRev
from DCJ import DCJ
import os

class CircRev(LinRev):
def __init__ (self, s):
if isinstance(s, str):
self.set (s)
self.n = len(s)
self._g = s

def set (self, s):
s = s.split()
if s[-1] != '@':
raise TypeError("The input genome is not circular")
s = [int(x) for x in s]
n = len(s)
for i in xrange(0,n):
if s[i] == n or s[i] == -n:
if s[i] == n:
s = s[i+1:n] + s[0:i]
l1, l2 = s[0:i], s[i+1:n]
s = l1 + l2
s = [-x for x in s]
#print s
self.n = n-1
self.g, self.s, check = [0], [True], (self.n + 1) * [False]
for x in s:
self.s.append(x > 0)
x = abs(x)
if not (0 < x < n): print 'mimo'
if check[x]: print 'uz bolo...'
check[x] = True
self.g.append (self.n + 1)
self.s.append (True)

def __len__ (self): return self.n+1

def __str__ (self):
return self.toString() + ' @'

def toString (self):
return " ".join([('' if self.s[i] else '-') + str(self.g[i]) for i in xrange(1, self.n+1)]) + ' ' + str(self.n+1)

def numch (self):
return (1, 0)

def dist2 (self, B):
f = open ('input', 'w')
print >>f, '> g'
print >>f, self.toString()
print >>f, '> h'
print >>f, B.toString()
os.system('rm output')
os.system('./grimm -f input -o output -Cd')
f = open ('output', 'r')
for l in f:
if l[:18] == 'Reversal Distance:':
return int(l[19:])
raise Error("grimm")

def better_neigh (self, z):
g = DCJ(self.g)
z = [DCJ(g.__str__()) for g in z]
return [CircRev(h.__str__()) for h in g.betterer_neigh(z) if h.circular()]

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