Digdag mssql>
operator plugin to execute a query on MsSQL server.
Created by converting https://github.com/hiroyuki-sato/digdag-plugin-mysql to mssql version.
- You can't use GO in the sql file. If you need to use that or run complex query, you may call SQLCMD using sh operator like below example.
- sh>: sqlcmd -i test1.sql -f 65001 -S "${host},${port}" -e -b
- file://${repos}
#- file:///path/to/digdag-plugin-mssql/build/repo
#- https://jitpack.io
- com.github.kulmam92:digdag-plugin-mssql:0.1.3-SNAPSHOT
host: localhost
user: sa
database: tempdb
mssql>: test1.sql
mssql>: test2.sql
download_file: test.txt
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=mssql_password@1" -p 1433:1433 --name mssql1 -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:latest-ubuntu
local mode
digdag secrets --local --set mssql.password
server mode
digdag secrets --project <project> --set mssql.password
./gradlew publish
Artifacts are build on local repos: ./build/repo
digdag selfupdate
rm -rf .digdag/plugin
digdag run -a --project sample plugin.dig -p repos=`pwd`/build/repo