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Ethereum 2 Merge Module

This is a Kurtosis module that will:

  1. Generate EL & CL genesis information using this genesis generator
  2. Spin up a network of mining Eth1 clients
  3. Spin up a network of Eth2 Beacon/validator clients
  4. Add a transaction spammer that will repeatedly send transactions to the network
  5. Launch a consensus monitor instance attached to the network
  6. Perform the merge
  7. Optionally block until the Beacon nodes finalize an epoch (i.e. finalized_epoch > 0 and finalized_epoch = current_epoch - 3)

For much more detailed information about how the merge works in Ethereum testnets, see this document.


  1. Install Docker if you haven't done so already

  2. Install the Kurtosis CLI, or upgrade it to the latest version if it's already installed

  3. Ensure your Docker engine is running:

    docker image ls
  4. Create a file in your home directory eth2-module-params.yaml with the following contents:

    logLevel: "info"
  5. Execute the module, passing in the params from the file:

    kurtosis module exec --enclave-id eth2 kurtosistech/eth2-merge-kurtosis-module --execute-params "$(cat ~/eth2-module-params.yaml)"


Kurtosis will create a new enclave to house the services of the Ethereum network. This page contains documentation for managing the created enclave & viewing detailed information about it.


To configure the module behaviour, you can modify your eth2-module-params.yaml file. The full YAML schema that can be passed in is as follows with the defaults (from here provided:

Note: Following an update starting the network post-merge, The prysm client doesn't work anymore. Fixes are tracked in the following Github issues:

Click to show all configuration options
#  Specification of the participants in the network
  #  The type of EL client that should be started
  #  Valid values are "geth", "nethermind", and "besu"
  - elType: "geth"

    #  The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
    #  Defaults by client:
    #  - geth: ethereum/client-go:latest
    #  - erigon: thorax/erigon:devel
    #  - nethermind: nethermind/nethermind:latest
    #  - besu: hyperledger/besu:develop
    elImage: ""

    #  The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
    #  If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
    #   global `logLevel` = `info` then Geth would receive `3`, Besu would receive `INFO`, etc.)
    #  If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
    #   over a specific participant's logging
    elLogLevel: ""

    #  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the EL client container for modifying its behaviour
    elExtraParams: []

    #  The type of CL client that should be started
    #  Valid values are "nimbus", "lighthouse", "lodestar", "teku", and "prysm"
    clType: "lighthouse"

    #  The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
    #  Defaults by client (note that Prysm is different in that it requires two images - a Beacon and a validator - separated by a comma):
    #  - lighthouse: sigp/lighthouse:latest
    #  - teku: consensys/teku:latest
    #  - nimbus: statusim/nimbus-eth2:multiarch-latest
    #  - prysm:,
    #  - lodestar: chainsafe/lodestar:next
    clImage: ""

    #  The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
    #  If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
    #   global `logLevel` = `info` then Teku would receive `INFO`, Prysm would receive `info`, etc.)
    #  If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
    #   over a specific participant's logging
    clLogLevel: ""

    #  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client Beacon container for modifying its behaviour
    #  If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku, Nimbus), then this list will be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
    beaconExtraParams: []

    #  A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client validator container for modifying its behaviour
    #  If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku, Nimbus), then this list will also be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
    validatorExtraParams: []

    # A set of parameters the node needs to reach an external block building network
    # If `null` then the builder infrastructure will not be instantiated
    # Example:
    # relayEndpoints:
    #   - "https://[email protected]"
    #   - "https://[email protected]"
    #   - "https://[email protected]"
    #   - "https://[email protected]"
    builderNetworkParams: null

#  Configuration parameters for the Eth network
  #  The network ID of the Eth1 network
  networkId: "3151908"

  #  The address of the staking contract address on the Eth1 chain
  depositContractAddress: "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242"

  #  Number of seconds per slot on the Beacon chain
  secondsPerSlot: 12

  #  Number of slots in an epoch on the Beacon chain
  slotsPerEpoch: 32

  #  The number of validator keys that each CL validator node should get
  numValidatorKeysPerNode: 64

  #  This mnemonic will a) be used to create keystores for all the types of validators that we have and b) be used to generate a CL genesis.ssz that has the children
  #   validator keys already preregistered as validators
  preregisteredValidatorKeysMnemonic: "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete"

# True by defaults such that in addition to the Ethereum network:
#  - A transaction spammer is launched to fake transactions sent to the network
#  - Forkmon will be launched after CL genesis has happened
#  - A prometheus will be started, coupled with grafana
# If set to false:
#  - only Ethereum network (EL and CL nodes) will be launched. Nothing else (no transaction spammer)
#  - params for the CL nodes will be ignored (e.g. CL node image, CL node extra params)
launchAdditionalServices: true

#  If set, the module will block until a finalized epoch has occurred.
#  If `waitForVerifications` is set to true, this extra wait will be skipped.
waitForFinalization: false

#  If set to true, the module will block until all verifications have passed
waitForVerifications: false

#  If set, after the merge, this will be the maximum number of epochs wait for the verifications to succeed.
verificationsEpochLimit: 5

#  The global log level that all clients should log at
#  Valid values are "error", "warn", "info", "debug", and "trace"
#  This value will be overridden by participant-specific values
logLevel: "info"

You can find the latest Kiln compatible docker images here:

Developing On This Module

First, install prerequisites:

  1. Install Go
  2. Install Kurtosis itself

Then, run the dev loop:

  1. Make your code changes
  2. Rebuild and re-execute the module by running the following from the root of the repo:
    source scripts/_constants.env && \
        kurtosis enclave rm -f eth2-local && \
        bash scripts/ && \
        kurtosis module exec --enclave-id eth2-local "${IMAGE_ORG_AND_REPO}:$(bash scripts/" --execute-params "{}"
    NOTE 1: You can change the value of the --execute-params flag to pass in extra configuration to the module per the "Configuration" section above! NOTE 2: The --execute-params flag accepts YAML and YAML is a superset of JSON, so you can pass in either.

To get detailed information about the structure of the module, visit the architecture docs.

When you're happy with your changes:

  • Add an entry to docs/ under the # TBD header describing your changes (this is required for CI checks to pass!)
  • Create a PR
  • Add one of the maintainers of the repo as a "Review Request":
    • parithosh (Ethereum)
    • gbouv (Kurtosis)
    • h4ck3rk3y (Kurtosis)
    • mieubrisse (Kurtosis)
  • Once everything works, merge!