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pixelserv‑tls Servstats Page

kvic-z edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

Sample page from v2.1.0

View servstats page at http://pixelservip/servstats.txt (parsable) or http://pixelservip/servstats (html). 'https' also works.

uts 0d 23:15 process uptime
log 2 critical (0) error (1) warning (2) notice (3) info (4) debug (5)
kcc 2 number of active service threads
kmx 30 maximum number of service threads
kvg 2.57 average number of requests per service thread
krq 44 max number of requests by one service thread
req 1542 total # of requests (HTTP, HTTPS, success, failure etc)
avg 1040 bytes average size of requests
rmx 15099 bytes largest size of request(s)
tav 46 ms average processing time (per request)
tmx 2529 ms longest processing time (per request)
slh 1223 # of accepted HTTPS requests
slm 0 # of rejected HTTPS requests (missing certificate)
sle 0 # of rejected HTTPS requests (certificate available but bad)
slc 14 # of dropped HTTPS requests (client disconnect without sending any request)
slu 102 # of dropped HTTPS requests (other TLS handshake errors)
uca 2 slu break-down: # of unknown CA reported by clients
uce 27 slu break-down: # of unknown cert reported by clients
sct 126 cert cache: # of certs in cache
sch 618 cert cache: # of reuses of cached certs
scm 3 cert cache: # of misses to find a cert in cache
scp 0 cert cache: # of purges to give room for a new cert
sst 16 sess cache: # of cached TLS sessions (for older non-RFC5077 clients)
ssh 396 sess cache: # of reuses of cached TLS sessions
ssm 25 sess cache: # of misses to find a TLS session in cache
ssp 0 sess cache: # of purges to give room for a new TLS session
nfe 560 # of GET requests for server-side scripting
gif 0 # of GET requests for GIF
ico 2 # of GET requests for ICO
txt 463 # of GET requests for Javascripts
jpg 0 # of GET requests for JPG
png 0 # of GET requests for PNG
swf 0 # of GET requests for SWF
sta 18 # of GET requests for HTML stats
stt 0 # of GET requests for plain text stats
ufe 102 # of GET requests /w unknown file extension
opt 0 # of OPTIONS requests
pst 75 # of POST requests
hed 0 # of HEAD requests (HTTP 501 response)
rdr 196 # of GET requests resulted in REDIRECT response
nou 0 # of GET requests /w empty URL
pth 0 # of GET requests /w malformed URL
204 0 # of GET requests (HTTP 204 response)
bad 0 # of unknown HTTP requests (HTTP 501 response)
tmo 10 # of timeout requests (client connect w/o sending a request in 'select_timeout' secs)
cls 15 # of dropped requests (client disconnect without sending any request)
cly 0 # of dropped requests (client disconnect before response sent)
clt 0 # of dropped requests (reached maximum service threads)
err 0 # of dropped requests (unknown reason)