Describe me!
Clone the current repository, and run the following commands:
dep ensure
go run main.go
External community dependencies are as follows:
- List your dependencies here
This project uses the Go package management tool dep for package versioning. To leverage this tool to install dependencies, run the following command from the project root:
dep init dep ensure
To run the unit tests on the packages included as a part of this application, run the following command:
go test github.com/kvincent2/portfolio/...
After making changes to any of these packages, please update the testing as needed, and verify by running the above command.
##Running on Docker Container Pull container from DockerHub using 'docker pull vincentkb0823/portfolio' Run using 'docker run -p 8080:8080 -e GITHUB_PAT=[github access key] vincentkb0823/portfolio'