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Light Spotify Web App by Nextjs




This is a web app which was created by Nextjs, Spotify Web API and Spotify Web Playback SDK. Since the official Spotify app has only dark theme. I would like to create a light theme web app.:)

Note: Since there is a limit for the count of request, I disable the feature that pull the current playback information frequently when playing on the other devices. It is by design and known issue from Spotify Web API. But I will try to get the playback data every 6sec or 10sec in the future to support to control the playback on the remote devices.

Support Features

  • Play track on your existing playlists
  • Remember last playback state
  • Playback actions
    • Play/Resume
    • Pause
    • Skip to Next
    • Skip to Previous
    • Shuffle
    • Repeat Mode
    • Volume Adjustment
    • Seek Position (Coming...)
  • Home
    • New Release
    • Recently Played
    • Featured Playlists
    • Picked Tracks (Currently only for Mandop)
  • Search
    • Tracks
    • Albums
    • Playlist
    • Artists
    • Podcasts (Shows and Episode)
    • Provide playlists by Categories
  • Remote Control
    • Transfer to other activated devices
    • Transfer back to local device
  • Playlist
    • Add/remove new tracks to the existing playlist (Coming...)
    • Create a new playlist (Coming...)
    • Shuffle play the playlist (Coming...)
    • Follow/nofollow playlists
  • Album
    • Show the existing albums
    • Like/save albums
  • Artist
    • Navigate to the artist page
    • Like the artist to store
  • Track
    • Like songs in the playlists, album and from playback bar
  • Standalone App (Coming...)
    • Electron or CEF?
    • React Native?
    • Tauri?

How to run this web app?

Before you run this app, you have to register a spotify app on Spotify Dashboard. And past your client_id and client_secret in .env.local. And you must install Node JS in your machine. Navigate to the root folder, and run npm start. The default port is 3000. You can launch your web app by http://localhost:3000. Please also add redirect_uri to your Spotify dashboard for OAuth2.0 workflow. The default redirect_uri is http://localhost:3000/callback. For other details, you can reference Spotify for Developer.

Known issues

  • Get null content when launching app in not "Home" page