Install Vagrant and Virtualbox (note that vagrant-dns works only on OS X so if you use Linux you have to find an alternative solution):
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-dns
$ vagrant dns --install
$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:appsembler/launcher.git
$ cd launcher/deploy
$ cp secret_vars.yml.example hosts/vagrant/secret_vars.yml (<-- edit this file with your settings)
$ vagrant up
If you forgot to use --recursive
the first time you cloned the repository, you can pull the submodules (docker_pull
in this case), using this command:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
This instructions are written under the assumption that you have virtualenvwrapper set up on your machine.
You also need working Pusher, accounts, and have Docker and Shipyard running on a server somewhere.
Create a new virtual env:
mkvirtualenv launcher
Set the required env variables in your virtual environments
script, which is usually located in~/.virtualenvs/launcher/bin/postactivate
#!/usr/local/bin/zsh # This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated. # Django settings export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='launcher.settings.local' export SECRET_KEY='' # Pusher settings export PUSHER_APP_ID='' export PUSHER_APP_KEY='' export PUSHER_APP_SECRET='' # Shipyard settings export SHIPYARD_HOST='' export SHIPYARD_USER='' export SHIPYARD_KEY='' # settings export CUSTOMERIO_SITE_ID='' export CUSTOMERIO_API_KEY='' # settings export INTERCOM_APP_ID='' export INTERCOM_API_KEY='' export INTERCOM_EDX_APP_ID='' export INTERCOM_EDX_APP_SECRET=''
Clone this repo:
git clone [email protected]:appsembler/launcher.git
Activate the virtualenv:
workon launcher
cd launcher; setvirtualenvproject
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
Run syncdb:
./ syncdb
Run migrations:
./ migrate
Install JS libraries with Bower:
./ bower_install -- --allow-root -f
Load sample projects:
./ loaddata deployment/fixtures/sample_projects.json
Start Celery in one shell:
CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER=True celery -A deployment.tasks worker -c 2 -l info -B
And runserver in other:
./ runserver --settings=launcher.settings.local