There are changelog file types. example-changelog.sql,example-changelog.xml,example-changelog.yml
To initialize the liquibase project run this following to generate, example-change.sql.
$ liquibase init project
We can use other type of format instead of sql.
Run the following commands step by step.
$ liquibase init project
- change db url and credentials in
- add mysql jar file into liquibase_libs folder which is to store the specificed jar files.
- download snakeyaml jar and copy into current dir. This is needed for yml file type.
$ liquibase update --changelog-file=root-changelog.yml
tables. There are three records in DATABASECHANGELOG table. Because there are three changesets with author,filename,MD5Hash,tag etc.
We can run rollback to restore the database changes by using tag. We already defined tag in yaml file. You can find tagDatabase
- changeSet:
id: 1
author: kyawswar
- tagDatabase:
tag: version_1.0
This changeset is saved as version_1.1 in tag column of DATABASECHANGELOG table. We can use this tag value to restore this changesets. $ liquibase rollback --tag=version_1.0 --changelog-file=example-changelog.yml This above command will restore from version 1 changesets and the othere changesets are gone.
In real world, the single change log file causes confilct or complex to update new changes when we are working together with teams. Liquibase supports two styles of multiple change log: object orient and release orient.
we can define a specified changelog for each function based on query create, update, index or delete etc.
we can define changelog based on project release version.
I created three change log files.
|- person-changelog.yml
|- release_1.0.yml
- includeAll:
path: /create_tables/
- includeAll:
path: /releases/
Run the update command with root-changelog.yml.
$ liquibase update --changelog-file=root-changelog.yml
It will load change log files from create_tables and releases folder.
we can use generate-changelog command as follow.
$ liquibase generate-changelog - changelog-file=example-changelog.xml
Please read Liquibase documentation for more advance functionalities.