Releases: kylemcdonald/ofxFaceTracker
FaceOSC is tested with MacOS 10.15
FaceOSC will track a face and send its pose and gesture data over OSC, as well as the raw tracked points (when selected in the GUI).
A previous version of FaceOSC for MacOS supported streaming of Syphon video, but this feature has been removed.
FaceOSC is developed with openFrameworks and ofxFaceTracker, built on top of Jason Saragih's FaceTracker. The windows build of FaceOSC was prepared by Dan Moore on the CreativeInquiry fork of ofxFaceTracker.
OSC data
By default, sends to localhost, port 8338. If you want to change this, see the below section about editing the settings.xml file.
- Pose
- center position: /pose/position
- scale: /pose/scale
- orientation (which direction you're facing): /pose/orientation
- Gestures
- mouth width: /gesture/mouth/width
- mouth height: /gesture/mouth/height
- left eyebrow height: /gesture/eyebrow/left
- right eyebrow height: /gesture/eyebrow/right
- left eye openness: /gesture/eye/left
- right eye openness: /gesture/eye/right
- jaw openness: /gesture/jaw
- nostril flate: /gesture/nostrils
- Raw
- raw points (66 xy-pairs): /raw
Keyboard controls
- r - reset the face tracker
- m - toggle face mesh drawing
- g - toggle gui's visibility
- p - pause/unpause (only works with movie source)
- up/down - increase/decrease movie playback speed (only works with movie source)
Gui controls
"pose" and "gesture" toggle whether to send the pose and gestural stats over OSC, respectively. "raw" toggles whether to send the raw points of the face mesh (66 XY-points = 132 values).
To change the default settings of FaceOSC, including the OSC receiving IP and port, right-click FaceOSC and select "Show Package Contents", then navigate to the settings.xml under /Resources/data and edit accordingly.