Server-side geospatial analysis app
Built with Node JS boilerplate with Docker
docker-compose up
The app will run in development mode and Nodemon will looking for changes in the directory and restart the app
docker container ls
list containers
docker exec [name] npm test
docker exec [name] npm install eslint --global
To enter Mongo shell on Docker Mongo volume, run docker exec -it mongo bash
then mongo
to start mongo shell. Some useful commands include show collections
and use <db>
To connect via Robo3T, connect to localhost at port 5432.
Must create a spatial index on geojson collection //db.collection.createIndex({'geometry': '2dsphere'});
Geojson objects in mongo must be structured like
"_id" : ObjectId("582122d4a98c5c6f7b955ebf"),
"type" : "Feature",
"properties" : {
"TYPE" : "LIB",
"Editor" : "FairfaxCounty"
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
which is different than how they are structured for mapbox layer