TaskFlow is a Dockerized web-based task management application designed to simplify task organization and collaboration. Built with Flask, MySQL, and other modern technologies, it includes features like user authentication, task assignment, and customizable themes.
- Secure registration and login with Argon2 password hashing.
- Session-based authentication.
- Update user details or delete accounts securely.
- Create, update, delete, and search tasks.
- Assign tasks to specific users.
- Export tasks as XML files.
- Get task-related updates through the SimplePush API.
- Toggle between light and dark modes with settings saved per user.
- Quickly find users for task assignment using the search feature.
- Docker installed on your machine.
- Docker Compose installed.
Clone the repository:
https://github.com/kyprosantreou/TaskFlow.git cd TaskFlow
Build and start the Docker containers:
docker-compose up --build
Access the application in your web browser at: