This template can be used for a thesis written in the degree MCIF of ESTG IPLeiria.
To download to your computer click "Code > Download zip"
This template comes with a devcontainer allowing compilation of the document in vscode without having to install all the necessary tools by hand. The devcontainer will automatically create a docker container to run the Latex compilation tools, and works either in Windows or Linux. The container will have a Tex Live installation and the vscode latex extension should be used for working in the document.
To use the devcontainer:
- Install docker
- Install vscode
- Open this directory in vscode
- Click on the green square in the left bottom corner of the vscode window and select "Reopen in container". This will create a docker container with TexLive installed. This has to be done only once but might take 1h to complete.
- Install Tex Live full
- Install python Pygments package:
pip install Pygments
make pdf
Use "Build LaTeX project" from the Latex workshop menu