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refactor: remove src/pipeline/lib because of replaced by fasttrack (#…
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Please precisely, concisely, and concretely describe what this PR changes, the rationale behind codes,
and how it affects the users and other developers.

This PR resolves [#2856](#2856) by removing unused / deprecated pipeline related menu from WebUI, since It's been managed in a separate project.

**Checklist:** (if applicable)

- [ ] Mention to the original issue
- [ ] Documentation
- [ ] Minium required manager version
- [ ] Specific setting for review (eg., KB link, endpoint or how to setup)
- [ ] Minimum requirements to check during review
- [x] Test case(s) to demonstrate the difference of before/after
  • Loading branch information
lizable committed Nov 28, 2024
1 parent 5da56aa commit 384cad8
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Showing 41 changed files with 12,982 additions and 11,028 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion package.json
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"drawflow": "^0.0.59",
"glob": "^10.4.5",
"https-proxy-agent": "^7.0.5",
"js-yaml": "^4.1.0",
"lit": "^3.2.0",
"lit-translate": "^2.0.1",
"log": "^6.3.1",
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13,670 changes: 12,976 additions & 694 deletions pnpm-lock.yaml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions resources/i18n/de.json
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"Sessions": "Sitzungen",
"Import&Run": "Importieren und ausführen",
"Data&Storage": "Datenspeicher",
"Pipeline": "Pipeline (Beta)",
"Statistics": "Statistiken",
"Help": "Hilfe",
"Settings": "die Einstellungen",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,42 +1166,6 @@
"RescanImageFinished": "Das erneute Scannen des Bildes ist abgeschlossen.",
"RescanFailed": "Erneutes Scannen fehlgeschlagen"
"pipeline": {
"List": "Aufführen",
"Running": "Laufen",
"Finished": "Fertig",
"SelectPipeline": "Pipeline auswählen",
"NoPipelineSelected": "Keine Pipeline ausgewählt",
"PipelineCreated": "Pipeline erstellt",
"PipelineDeleted": "Pipeline gelöscht",
"RunPipeline": "Pipeline ausführen",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Pipeline erstellen",
"UpdateTitle": "Pipeline aktualisieren",
"DeleteTitle": "Pipeline löschen",
"Name": "Pipeline-Name",
"Description": "Rohrleitungsbeschreibung",
"Environment": "Umgebung",
"Version": "Ausführung",
"TargetFolder": "Zielspeicherordner",
"FillAllInputFields": "Füllen Sie alle Eingabefelder aus"
"Component": {
"Connect": "Verbinden",
"NoComponentSelected": "Keine Rohrleitungskomponente ausgewählt"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Pipelinekomponente hinzufügen",
"UpdateTitle": "Pipelinekomponente aktualisieren",
"DeleteTitle": "Pipelinekomponente löschen",
"Name": "Komponentenname",
"Description": "Komponentenbeschreibung",
"PathInFolder": "Komponentenpfad im Speicherordner",
"NamePathRequired": "Name und Pfad sind erforderlich",
"CPUNotEnough": "CPU sollte mindestens 1 . sein",
"MemoryNotEnough": "Speicher sollte mindestens 0,1 GiB . betragen"
"statistics": {
"SelectPeriod": "Zeitraum auswählen",
"1Day": "1 Tag",
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37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions resources/i18n/el.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"Sessions": "Συνεδρίες",
"Import&Run": "Εισαγωγή και εκτέλεση",
"Data&Storage": "Αποθήκευση δεδομένων",
"Pipeline": "Αγωγός (Beta)",
"Statistics": "Στατιστική",
"Help": "Βοήθεια",
"Settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,42 +1166,6 @@
"RescanImageFinished": "Η επανασύνδεση της εικόνας ολοκληρώθηκε.",
"RescanFailed": "Η σάρωση απέτυχε"
"pipeline": {
"List": "Λίστα",
"Running": "Τρέξιμο",
"Finished": "Πεπερασμένος",
"SelectPipeline": "Επιλέξτε Αγωγός",
"NoPipelineSelected": "Δεν έχει επιλεγεί αγωγός",
"PipelineCreated": "Δημιουργήθηκε αγωγός",
"PipelineDeleted": "Ο αγωγός διαγράφηκε",
"RunPipeline": "Εκτελέστε αγωγό",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Δημιουργία αγωγού",
"UpdateTitle": "Ενημέρωση αγωγού",
"DeleteTitle": "Διαγραφή αγωγού",
"Name": "Όνομα αγωγού",
"Description": "Περιγραφή αγωγού",
"Environment": "περιβάλλον",
"Version": "Εκδοχή",
"TargetFolder": "Στοχεύστε το φάκελο αποθήκευσης",
"FillAllInputFields": "Συμπληρώστε όλα τα πεδία εισαγωγής"
"Component": {
"Connect": "Συνδέω-συωδεομαι",
"NoComponentSelected": "Δεν έχει επιλεγεί στοιχείο αγωγού"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Προσθήκη στοιχείου αγωγού",
"UpdateTitle": "Ενημέρωση στοιχείου αγωγού",
"DeleteTitle": "Διαγραφή στοιχείου αγωγού",
"Name": "Όνομα στοιχείου",
"Description": "Περιγραφή συστατικού",
"PathInFolder": "Διαδρομή στοιχείου στο φάκελο αποθήκευσης",
"NamePathRequired": "Απαιτείται όνομα και διαδρομή",
"CPUNotEnough": "Η CPU πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον 1",
"MemoryNotEnough": "Η μνήμη πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον 0,1 GiB"
"statistics": {
"SelectPeriod": "Επιλέξτε Περίοδος",
"1Day": "1 μέρα",
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38 changes: 0 additions & 38 deletions resources/i18n/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
"Serving": "Serving",
"Import&Run": "Import & Run",
"Data&Storage": "Data & Storage",
"Pipeline": "Pipeline (Beta)",
"AgentSummary": "Agent Summary",
"PipelineJob": "Pipeline Job (Beta)",
"Statistics": "Statistics",
"Help": "Help",
"Settings": "Settings",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1297,42 +1295,6 @@
"RescanImageFinished": "Rescanning image finished.",
"RescanFailed": "Rescan failed"
"pipeline": {
"List": "List",
"Running": "Running",
"Finished": "Finished",
"SelectPipeline": "Select Pipeline",
"NoPipelineSelected": "No pipeline selected",
"PipelineCreated": "Pipeline created",
"PipelineDeleted": "Pipeline deleted",
"RunPipeline": "Run pipeline",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Create pipeline",
"UpdateTitle": "Update pipeline",
"DeleteTitle": "Delete pipeline",
"Name": "Pipeline Name",
"Description": "Pipeline description",
"Environment": "Environment",
"Version": "Version",
"TargetFolder": "Target storage folder",
"FillAllInputFields": "Fill all input fields"
"Component": {
"Connect": "Connect",
"NoComponentSelected": "No pipeline component selected"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Add pipeline component",
"UpdateTitle": "Update pipeline component",
"DeleteTitle": "Delete pipeline component",
"Name": "Component name",
"Description": "Component description",
"PathInFolder": "Component path in storage folder",
"NamePathRequired": "Name and path is required",
"CPUNotEnough": "CPU should be at least 1",
"MemoryNotEnough": "Memory should be at least 0.1 GiB"
"statistics": {
"UsageHistory": "Usage History",
"SelectPeriod": "Select Period",
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37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions resources/i18n/es.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -860,42 +860,6 @@
"ClearNotifications": "Borrar notificaciones",
"AreYouSureToClearAllNotifications": "¿Estás seguro de borrar todas las notificaciones?"
"pipeline": {
"Component": {
"Connect": "Conectar",
"NoComponentSelected": "No se ha seleccionado ningún componente"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CPUNotEnough": "La CPU debe ser de al menos 1",
"CreateTitle": "Añadir componente de canalización",
"DeleteTitle": "Borrar componente de canalización",
"Description": "Descripción de los componentes",
"MemoryNotEnough": "La memoria debe ser de al menos 0,1 GiB",
"Name": "Nombre del componente",
"NamePathRequired": "El nombre y la ruta son obligatorios",
"PathInFolder": "Ruta del componente en la carpeta de almacenamiento",
"UpdateTitle": "Actualizar el componente de canalización"
"Finished": "Terminado",
"List": "Lista",
"NoPipelineSelected": "No se ha seleccionado ninguna tubería",
"PipelineCreated": "Tuberías creadas",
"PipelineDeleted": "Tubería eliminada",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Crear canalización",
"DeleteTitle": "Eliminar tuberías",
"Description": "Descripción del oleoducto",
"Environment": "Medio ambiente",
"FillAllInputFields": "Rellene todos los campos",
"Name": "Nombre del oleoducto",
"TargetFolder": "Carpeta de almacenamiento de destino",
"UpdateTitle": "Tubería de actualización",
"Version": "Versión"
"RunPipeline": "Ejecutar el gasoducto",
"Running": "Ejecutar",
"SelectPipeline": "Seleccionar tubería"
"registry": {
"AddRegistry": "Añadir registro",
"DescHostnameIsEmpty": "El nombre de host está vacío",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1664,7 +1628,6 @@
"PasswordChangePlace": "Haga clic en el icono de persona de la barra superior y vaya al menú \"Mi cuenta\".",
"PasswordMismatch": "Contraseña incorrecta",
"PasswordUpdated": "La contraseña se ha actualizado correctamente.",
"Pipeline": "Tuberías (Beta)",
"PipelineJob": "Trabajo en tuberías (Beta)",
"PleaseChangeYourPassword": "Por favor, cambie su contraseña.",
"PleaseConfirmYourPassword": "Confirme su contraseña",
Expand Down
36 changes: 0 additions & 36 deletions resources/i18n/fi.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -857,42 +857,6 @@
"ClearNotifications": "Tyhjennä ilmoitukset",
"AreYouSureToClearAllNotifications": "Oletko varma, että tyhjennät kaikki ilmoitukset?"
"pipeline": {
"Component": {
"Connect": "Yhdistä",
"NoComponentSelected": "Ei valittu putkistokomponenttia"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CPUNotEnough": "CPU:n on oltava vähintään 1",
"CreateTitle": "Lisää putkistokomponentti",
"DeleteTitle": "Poista putkistokomponentti",
"Description": "Komponentin kuvaus",
"MemoryNotEnough": "Muistia on oltava vähintään 0,1 GiB.",
"Name": "Komponentin nimi",
"NamePathRequired": "Nimi ja polku vaaditaan",
"PathInFolder": "Komponentin polku tallennuskansiossa",
"UpdateTitle": "Päivitä putkistokomponentti"
"Finished": "Valmis",
"List": "Luettelo",
"NoPipelineSelected": "Ei valittua putkistoa",
"PipelineCreated": "Putkilinja luotu",
"PipelineDeleted": "Putkilinja poistettu",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Luo putki",
"DeleteTitle": "Poista putkisto",
"Description": "Putkiston kuvaus",
"Environment": "Ympäristö",
"FillAllInputFields": "Täytä kaikki syöttökentät",
"Name": "Putkilinjan nimi",
"TargetFolder": "Tavoitetiedoston kansio",
"UpdateTitle": "Päivitä putkisto",
"Version": "Versio"
"RunPipeline": "Suorita putkisto",
"Running": "Running",
"SelectPipeline": "Valitse putkisto"
"registry": {
"AddRegistry": "Lisää rekisteri",
"DescHostnameIsEmpty": "Isäntänimi on tyhjä",
Expand Down
37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions resources/i18n/fr.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"Sessions": "Sessions",
"Import&Run": "Importer et exécuter",
"Data&Storage": "Stockage de données",
"Pipeline": "Pipeline (bêta)",
"Statistics": "Statistiques",
"Help": "Aide",
"Settings": "Paramètres",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,42 +1166,6 @@
"RescanImageFinished": "Renumérisation de l'image terminée.",
"RescanFailed": "Échec de la nouvelle analyse"
"pipeline": {
"List": "Lister",
"Running": "En cours",
"Finished": "Terminé",
"SelectPipeline": "Sélectionnez le pipeline",
"NoPipelineSelected": "Aucun pipeline sélectionné",
"PipelineCreated": "Pipeline créé",
"PipelineDeleted": "Pipeline supprimé",
"RunPipeline": "Exécuter le pipeline",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Créer un pipeline",
"UpdateTitle": "Mettre à jour le pipeline",
"DeleteTitle": "Supprimer le pipeline",
"Name": "Nom du pipeline",
"Description": "Description du pipeline",
"Environment": "Environnement",
"Version": "Version",
"TargetFolder": "Dossier de stockage cible",
"FillAllInputFields": "Remplissez tous les champs de saisie"
"Component": {
"Connect": "Relier",
"NoComponentSelected": "Aucun composant de pipeline sélectionné"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Ajouter un composant de pipeline",
"UpdateTitle": "Mettre à jour le composant de pipeline",
"DeleteTitle": "Supprimer le composant de pipeline",
"Name": "Nom du composant",
"Description": "Description des composants",
"PathInFolder": "Chemin du composant dans le dossier de stockage",
"NamePathRequired": "Le nom et le chemin sont requis",
"CPUNotEnough": "Le processeur doit être d'au moins 1",
"MemoryNotEnough": "La mémoire doit être d'au moins 0,1 Gio"
"statistics": {
"UsageHistory": "Usage Historique",
"SelectPeriod": "Sélectionnez la période",
Expand Down
37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions resources/i18n/id.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
"Sessions": "Sesi",
"Import&Run": "Impor & Jalankan",
"Data&Storage": "Data & Penyimpanan",
"Pipeline": "Pipeline (Beta)",
"Statistics": "Statistik",
"Help": "Bantuan",
"Settings": "Pengaturan",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,42 +1167,6 @@
"RescanImageFinished": "Pemindaian ulang image selesai.",
"RescanFailed": "Pemindaian ulang gagal"
"pipeline": {
"List": "Daftar",
"Running": "Berjalan",
"Finished": "Selesai",
"SelectPipeline": "Pilih Pipeline",
"NoPipelineSelected": "Tidak ada pipeline yang dipilih",
"PipelineCreated": "Pipeline dibuat",
"PipelineDeleted": "Pipeline dihapus",
"RunPipeline": "Jalankan pipeline",
"PipelineDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Buat pipeline",
"UpdateTitle": "Perbarui pipeline",
"DeleteTitle": "Hapus pipeline",
"Name": "Nama Pipeline",
"Description": "Deskripsi pipeline",
"Environment": "Lingkungan",
"Version": "Versi",
"TargetFolder": "Target folder penyimpanan",
"FillAllInputFields": "Isi semua kolom input"
"Component": {
"Connect": "Hubungkan",
"NoComponentSelected": "Tidak ada komponen pipeline yang dipilih"
"ComponentDialog": {
"CreateTitle": "Tambahkan komponen pipeline",
"UpdateTitle": "Perbarui komponen pipeline",
"DeleteTitle": "Hapus komponen pipeline",
"Name": "Nama komponen",
"Description": "Deskripsi komponen",
"PathInFolder": "Alamat komponen di folder penyimpanan",
"NamePathRequired": "Nama dan alamat wajib diisi",
"CPUNotEnough": "CPU harus minimal 1",
"MemoryNotEnough": "Memori harus setidaknya 0,1 GiB"
"statistics": {
"UsageHistory": "Riwayat Penggunaan",
"SelectPeriod": "Pilih Periode",
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0 comments on commit 384cad8

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