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Pylabrad Signal Slot Example
Anthony Ransford edited this page Jun 29, 2015
1 revision
#Import Signal class
from labrad.server import Signal
# Create a LabRAD Signal object.
onEvent = Signal( ID, signal_name, data_type)
# e.g. ID = 543617. The ID can be any number between X and XX
# The ID number can not have a leading 0.
# signal_name = 'signal: interesting information acquired'
# This signal name is not trivial, it is what the client uses to connect to the
#signal in this instance the client would call
#server.signal__interesting_information_acquired() note the parsing of : and
# data_type = 'i' for integer data. These are the LabRAD data types
#(see link below for labrad data types).
# Note onEvent Signal must be instantiated as a global class variable, i.e
class ourserver( LabradServer):
onEvent = ...
def initServer(self):
name = Emitter Server
version = 1.0
description =
instancename = EmitterServer
cmdline = %PYTHON% %FILE%
timeout = 20
message = 987654321
timeout = 20
from labrad.server import LabradServer, setting, Signal
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
import labrad
class EmitterServer(LabradServer):
Basic Emitter Server
name = 'Emitter Server'
onEvent = Signal(123456, 'signal: emitted signal', 's')
#This is the Signal to be emitted with ID# 123456 the name for the
#client to call is signal__emitted_signal and the labrad type is string
@setting(1, 'Emit Signal', returns='')
def emitSignal(self, c):
#function that will onEvent to send signal to listeners
#sends signal
if __name__ == "__main__":
from labrad import util
Now lets create a client that will listen for the string signal from the previous example (note this follows the writing GUI clients format closely and it may be beneficial to finish the GUI client tutorial prior to this tutorial)
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from PyQt4 import QtGui
class recieverWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
ID = 654321
#this is an ID for the client to register to the server
def __init__(self, reactor, parent=None):
super(recieverWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.reactor = reactor
def setupLayout(self):
#setup the layout and make all the widgets
self.setWindowTitle('Reciever Widget')
#create a horizontal layout
layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
#create the text widget
self.textedit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
def connect(self):
#make an asynchronous connection to LabRAD
from labrad.wrappers import connectAsync
cxn = yield connectAsync(name = 'Signal Widget')
self.server = cxn.emitter_server
#connect to emitter server
yield self.server.signal__emitted_signal(self.ID)
#connect to signal from server (note the method is named from parsed
#text of the in the server emitter name)
yield self.server.addListener(listener = self.displaySignal,
source = None, ID = self.ID)
#This registers the client as a listener to the server and assigns a
#slot (function) from the client to the signal emitted from the server
#In this case self.displaySignal
def displaySignal(self, cntx, signal):
def closeEvent(self, x):
#stop the reactor when closing the widget
if __name__=="__main__":
#join Qt and twisted event loops
a = QtGui.QApplication( [] )
import qt4reactor
from twisted.internet import reactor
widget = recieverWidget(reactor)
Run the server and make sure it is listed in your LabRAD manager as "Emitter Server".
Run the client, the GUI text box should be displayed and blank. The title of the window should be "Receiver Widget". When the server emits a signal we expect the text box to show "Output!".
In order for the server to emit the signal we must call the function emitSignal() from the emitter server. Open a python terminal, import labrad and connect to the server
import labrad
cxn = labrad.connect(name='python terminal')
emitterserver = cxn.emitter_server
You should now see the text 'Output!' on your client GUI