First public alpha
Change log
- client app works without docker
- add docker manager
- add neoro-model auto updator
- better models
- update dataset
CPU support for Windows
/Linux (recommend)
/MacOS X
GPU support ONLY for linux
, only nvidia graphic support
- Instalation
- install docker and docker service
- unzip archive with your runtime
GPU (experemental support in this release)
- install docker and docker service
- install nvidia-docker and run it
- unzip archive with your runtime
- Ussage
cd /directory/with/app/
go to directory with app
run ReacuerLaApp.exe
Supported Runtimes
- windows 10 x64 proubuntu16; ubuntu18
- linux ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04linux
- most computer linux distributions (x64 only!), such as CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Arch, Gentoo and their derivativesosx
- macOS 10.12 Sierra x64 or higher