Analyzes a password list to find frequency of password character masks.
Analyzes a password list to find frequency of characters per position.
Combines, sorts, and uniques the passwords contained in files located at
Extracts the plain passwords from a hashcat or jtr pot file.
Reads a plain password file, MD5s each password, and writes the hashes to a new file.
Reads a file, removes duplicates, writes to a new file
Reads a file, converts to lowercase, strips everything but lowercase letters, writes to new file.
Reads a string or file, and creates a ridiculous amount of permutations using leet subsitutions. This will produce a LOT of output per word.
Reads a file and capitalizes letters specified by index. If no index provided, will capitalize the first letter.
Searches a dictionary to see if a word exists. You can search for a single word, multiple words, or a words in a file.
Combines with
Combines two dictionaries. Can also title-case each word.
Combines three dictionaries. Can also title-case each word.
Combines four dictionaries. Can also title-case each word.