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lagunoff committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 8a5f747 commit 7f77733
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Showing 9 changed files with 227 additions and 204 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Clickable/DOM.hs
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ defaultListenerOptions = ListenerOptions {

addEventListener :: FromJSVal a => (Event a -> JSExp) -> (a -> JSM ()) -> JSM ()
addEventListener addScript k =
addEventListener script k =
reactive add >>= jsCmd where
add scope s = (s''', cmd) where
k' = localScope scope . k
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ addEventListener addScript k =
s'' = subscribeEventFn (unsafeFromEventId eventId)
(mapM_ k' . fromJSVal . unsafeCoerce) scope s'
s''' = installFinalizerFn (jsCmd $ Apply (Ref unsub) []) scope s''
cmd = AssignRef unsub $ addScript $ Event eventId
cmd = AssignRef scope unsub $ script $ Event eventId

class EventName eventName where
type EventListenerCb eventName :: Type
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142 changes: 65 additions & 77 deletions Clickable/HTML.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,18 +2,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Clickable.HTML where

import Clickable.Internal
import Clickable.Types
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.IORef
import Data.Text (Text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,7 +40,7 @@ dynText contentDyn = HTML \s e -> do
c <- readDyn contentDyn
refId <- newRefId.unJSM e
e.ien_command $ PushStack $ CreateText c
e.ien_command $ AssignRef refId (PeekStack 0)
e.ien_command $ AssignRef e.ien_scope refId (PeekStack 0)
e.ien_command PopIns
let k nval = JSM \e' ->
e'.ien_command $ UpdateText (Ref refId) nval
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +110,7 @@ saveStackHead = HTML \s e ->
case s of
Nothing -> do
refId <- newRefId.unJSM e
e.ien_command $ AssignRef refId $ PeekStack 0
e.ien_command $ AssignRef e.ien_scope refId $ PeekStack 0
return (refId, Just refId)
Just saved ->
pure (saved, s)
Expand All @@ -127,94 +121,88 @@ blank = pure ()

dyn :: Dynamic (HTML ()) -> HTML ()
dyn val = do
brackets <- liftJSM insertBrackets
scope <- liftJSM newScope
initialVal <- liftJSM $ readDyn val
update html = do
liftJSM $ clearBrackets brackets
exec h =
localScope scope $ customize (Ref brackets) h
liftJSM $ exec $ update initialVal
place <- liftJSM insertPlaceholder
initial <- liftJSM $ readDyn val
liftJSM $ update scope place initial
liftJSM $ subscribe val \newVal -> do
freeScope scope
exec $ update newVal
update scope place newVal
update scope place content =
localScope scope do
clearPlaceholder place
execHTML (Ref place) content

-- | Auxilliary datatype used in 'simpleList' implementation
data ElemEnv a = ElemEnv {
brackets :: RefId,
state_var :: DynVar a,
data InternalElem a = InternalElem {
placeholder :: RefId,
elem_state :: DynVar a,
elem_scope :: ScopeId

-- | Display dynamic collection of widgets. NOTE: changes in `DynVar
-- a` do not automatically propagate into the larger state. See
-- `OverrideVar` and todomvc example to see one way to upstream
-- changes into the larger state.
simpleList ::
forall a. Dynamic [a] ->
(Int -> DynVar a -> HTML ()) ->
simpleList :: forall a.
Dynamic [a] ->
(DynVar a -> HTML ()) ->
simpleList listDyn h = liftJSM do
internalStateRef <- liftIO $ newIORef ([] :: [ElemEnv a])
brackets <- insertBrackets
exec brackets' scope =
localScope scope . customize (Ref brackets')
exec1 brackets' = customize (Ref brackets')

setup :: Int -> [a] -> [ElemEnv a] -> JSM [ElemEnv a]
setup idx new existing = case (existing, new) of
([], []) -> return []
simpleList listDyn h = do
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef ([] :: [InternalElem a])
place <- liftJSM insertPlaceholder
initial <- readDyn listDyn
liftJSM $ execHTML (Ref place) $ liftJSM $ updateList ref initial
liftJSM $ subscribe listDyn $ execHTML (Ref place) . liftJSM . updateList ref
synchronize :: [a] -> [InternalElem a] -> JSM [InternalElem a]
synchronize [] [] = return []
synchronize (x:xs) [] = do
-- New list is longer, append new elements
([], x:xs) -> do
e <- newElem x
exec e.brackets e.elem_scope $ h idx e.state_var
fmap (e:) $ setup (idx + 1) xs []
e <- newElem x
localScope e.elem_scope $ execHTML (Ref e.placeholder) $ h e.elem_state
fmap (e:) $ synchronize xs []
synchronize [] (r:rs) = do
-- New list is shorter, delete the elements that no longer
-- present in the new list
(r:rs, []) -> do
finalizeElems True (r:rs)
return []
mapM_ dropElem (r:rs)
pure []
synchronize (y:ys) (r:rs) = do
-- Update existing elements along the way
(r:rs, y:ys) -> do
writeVar r.state_var y
fmap (r:) $ setup (idx + 1) ys rs
newElem :: a -> JSM (ElemEnv a)
writeVar r.elem_state y
fmap (r:) $ synchronize ys rs
newElem :: a -> JSM (InternalElem a)
newElem a = do
elem_scope <- newScope
localScope elem_scope do
state_var <- newVar a
brackets' <- insertBrackets
return ElemEnv {elem_scope, state_var, brackets = brackets'}
finalizeElems :: Bool -> [ElemEnv a] -> JSM ()
finalizeElems remove = mapM_ \ee -> do
when remove $ detachBrackets ee.brackets
scope <- newScope
localScope scope do
elem_state <- newVar a
place' <- insertPlaceholder
pure InternalElem {elem_scope = scope, elem_state, placeholder = place'}
dropElem :: InternalElem a -> JSM ()
dropElem ee = do
destroyScope ee.elem_scope
updateList :: [a] -> JSM ()
updateList new = do
eenvs <- liftIO $ readIORef internalStateRef
newEenvs <- setup 0 new eenvs
liftIO $ writeIORef internalStateRef newEenvs
initialVal <- readDyn listDyn
exec1 brackets $ liftJSM $ updateList initialVal
subscribe listDyn $ exec1 brackets . liftJSM . updateList

insertBrackets :: JSM RefId
insertBrackets = do
brackets <- newRefId
jsCmd $ AssignRef brackets InsertBrackets
pure brackets

clearBrackets :: RefId -> JSM ()
clearBrackets rid = jsCmd $ ClearBrackets $ Ref rid

detachBrackets :: RefId -> JSM ()
detachBrackets rid = jsCmd $ DetachBrackets $ Ref rid

customize :: JSExp -> HTML a -> JSM a
customize elm action = JSM \e -> do
detachPlaceholder ee.placeholder
updateList :: IORef [InternalElem a] -> [a] -> JSM ()
updateList ref new = do
ees <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
ees' <- synchronize new ees
liftIO $ writeIORef ref ees'

insertPlaceholder :: JSM RefId
insertPlaceholder = JSM \e -> do
ref <- newRefId.unJSM e
e.ien_command $ AssignRef e.ien_scope ref InsertPlaceholder
pure ref

clearPlaceholder :: RefId -> JSM ()
clearPlaceholder rid = jsCmd $ ClearPlaceholder $ Ref rid

detachPlaceholder :: RefId -> JSM ()
detachPlaceholder rid = jsCmd $ DetachPlaceholder $ Ref rid

execHTML :: JSExp -> HTML a -> JSM a
execHTML elm action = JSM \e -> do
e.ien_command $ PushStack elm
(r, _) <- action.unHTML Nothing e
e.ien_command PopStack
Expand Down
83 changes: 50 additions & 33 deletions Clickable/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -196,48 +196,65 @@ newRefId = reactive newRefIdFn
{-# INLINE newRefId #-}

newRefIdFn :: ScopeId -> InternalState -> (InternalState, RefId)
newRefIdFn e s = (s {ist_id_supply = s.ist_id_supply + 1}, RefId e s.ist_id_supply)
newRefIdFn _e s = (s {ist_id_supply = s.ist_id_supply + 1}, RefId s.ist_id_supply)
{-# INLINE newRefIdFn #-}

freeScope :: ScopeId -> JSM ()
freeScope s = do
mres <- state $ swap . freeScopeFn s
forM_ mres \r -> forM_ r.rsr_linked destroyScope
forM_ mres \r -> sequence_ r.rsr_finalizers
{-# INLINE freeScope #-}

freeScopeFn :: ScopeId -> InternalState -> (InternalState, Maybe Resources)
freeScopeFn scope s = (s', resources)
freeScope scope = do
mres <- state updateState
forM_ mres \res -> do
forM_ (res.rsr_linked) destroyScope
sequence_ (res.rsr_finalizers)
jsCmd $ FreeScope scope
subs = (List.filter filterSub) s.ist_subscriptions
filterSub sub = sub.sub_scope /= scope
(resources, rsr) = Map.alterF (,Nothing) scope s.ist_resources
s' = s {ist_subscriptions = subs, ist_resources = rsr}
{-# INLINE freeScopeFn #-}
updateState :: InternalState -> (Maybe Resources, InternalState)
updateState s = (res, s')
subs = (filter (not . isTargetScope)) s.ist_subscriptions
isTargetScope sub = sub.sub_scope == scope
(res, rsr) = Map.alterF (, Nothing) scope s.ist_resources
s' = s {ist_subscriptions = subs, ist_resources = rsr}

destroyScope :: ScopeId -> JSM ()
destroyScope s = do
mres <- state $ swap . destroyScopeFn s
forM_ mres \r -> forM_ r.rsr_linked destroyScope
forM_ mres \r -> sequence_ r.rsr_finalizers
{-# INLINE destroyScope #-}

destroyScopeFn :: ScopeId -> InternalState -> (InternalState, Maybe Resources)
destroyScopeFn scope s = (s', resources)
destroyScope scope = do
mres <- state updateState
forM_ mres \res -> do
forM_ (res.rsr_linked) destroyScope
sequence_ (res.rsr_finalizers)
jsCmd $ FreeScope scope
subs = (List.filter filterSub) s.ist_subscriptions
filterSub x = x.sub_scope /= scope
remove = Map.alterF (,Nothing) scope
unlink m = case resources of
Just r -> Map.adjust adj r.rsr_parent m
Nothing -> m
adj r = r {rsr_linked = List.filter (/=scope) r.rsr_linked}
(resources, rsr) = remove s.ist_resources
s' = s {ist_subscriptions = subs, ist_resources = unlink rsr}
{-# INLINE destroyScopeFn #-}
updateState :: InternalState -> (Maybe Resources, InternalState)
updateState s = (res, s')
subs = (filter (not . isTargetScope)) s.ist_subscriptions
isTargetScope sub = sub.sub_scope == scope
remove = Map.alterF (,Nothing) scope
unlink m = case res of
Just r -> Map.adjust adj r.rsr_parent m
Nothing -> m
adj r = r {rsr_linked = List.filter (/=scope) r.rsr_linked}
(res, rsr) = remove s.ist_resources
s' = s {ist_subscriptions = subs, ist_resources = unlink rsr}

moveScope :: ScopeId -> ScopeId -> JSM ()
moveScope src dest = do
modify updateState
jsCmd $ MoveScope src dest
updateState :: InternalState -> InternalState
updateState s
| Just srcRes <- Map.lookup src s.ist_resources =
s {ist_resources = Map.adjust (updateRes srcRes) dest s.ist_resources}
| otherwise = s
updateRes :: Resources -> Resources -> Resources
updateRes src' dest' = dest' {
rsr_linked = src'.rsr_linked <> dest'.rsr_linked,
rsr_finalizers = src'.rsr_finalizers <> dest'.rsr_finalizers

installFinalizer :: JSM () -> JSM ()
installFinalizer = reactive_ . installFinalizerFn
installFinalizer f = reactive_ $ installFinalizerFn f
{-# INLINE installFinalizer #-}

installFinalizerFn :: JSM () -> ScopeId -> InternalState -> InternalState
Expand Down
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions Clickable/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ data JSExp where
Apply :: JSExp -> [JSExp] -> JSExp
Call :: JSExp -> Text -> [JSExp] -> JSExp

AssignRef :: RefId -> JSExp -> JSExp
FreeRef :: RefId -> JSExp
AssignRef :: ScopeId -> RefId -> JSExp -> JSExp
Ref :: RefId -> JSExp
FreeScope :: ScopeId -> JSExp
MoveScope :: ScopeId -> ScopeId -> JSExp

PeekStack :: Word8 -> JSExp
PushStack :: JSExp -> JSExp
Expand All @@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ data JSExp where
ElementAttr :: JSExp -> Text -> Text -> JSExp
ClassListAdd :: JSExp -> Text -> JSExp
ClassListRemove :: JSExp -> Text -> JSExp
InsertBrackets :: JSExp
ClearBrackets :: JSExp -> JSExp
DetachBrackets :: JSExp -> JSExp
InsertPlaceholder :: JSExp
ClearPlaceholder :: JSExp -> JSExp
DetachPlaceholder :: JSExp -> JSExp

CreateElement :: Text -> JSExp
CreateElementNS :: Text -> Text -> JSExp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,9 +175,8 @@ newtype StartFlags = StartFlags {unStartFlags :: JSVal}
newtype ScopeId = ScopeId {unScopeId :: Word32}
deriving newtype (Binary, Eq, Ord, Show)

data RefId = RefId ScopeId Word32
deriving stock (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (Binary)
newtype RefId = RefId {unRefId :: Word32}
deriving newtype (Binary, Eq, Ord, Show)

newtype EventId = EventId {unEventId :: Word32}
deriving newtype (Show, Ord, Eq, Binary)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,13 +519,15 @@ prompt (PromptTag t) (IO m) = IO (prompt# t m)
control :: forall a b. PromptTag a -> ((IO b -> IO a) -> IO a) -> IO b
control (PromptTag t) f = IO (control0# t g)
g :: ((State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #))
-> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
-> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
g ::
((State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #)) ->
State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) ->
State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)
g h = let IO m = f (k h) in m
k :: ((State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #))
-> State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
-> IO b -> IO a
k ::
((State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, b #)) ->
State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #)) ->
IO b -> IO a
k l (IO n) = IO (l n)

data PromptTag a = PromptTag {unPromptTag :: PromptTag# a}
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