- ESX Legacy (https://documentation.esx-framework.org/legacy/installation/).
- OXMySQL (https://overextended.dev/oxmysql#installation).
- Download this repository: https://github.com/lalBi94/ZODWorks/archive/refs/heads/master.zip.
- Add this line to your
file. (You can also start your core).
ensure ZODWorks
- Import the ZODWorks object on your
script with these lines.
shared_scripts {
- Now store the tool in a variable.
local ZODWorks = exports["ZODWorks"]:getSharedObject()
- You can now use all available functions. Exemple :
local myMoney = ZODWorks.Player:getMoneyFrom("bank")
local currencyConvert = ZODWorks.Utils:formatCurrency(tostring(myMoney))
print(myMoney) -- 75900
print(currencyConvert) -- 75 900$
You can add your own functions or triggers by placing them in ZODWorks/shared/AddOns/
. Ideally, :
(to add some langages)ZODWorks/shared/AddOns/<YOUR_SCRIPT>/server-side.lua
Exemple :
ZODWorks = ZODWorks or {} -- To supress the error "Attempt to call a nil value"
ZODWorks.myCustomScript = {}
---@param str1 string The first string.
---@param str2 string The second string.
---@return string
function ZODWorks.myCustomScript:stringFusion(str1, str2)
return ("%s %s"):format(str1, str2)
setmetatable(ZODWorks, {__index = ZODWorks.myCustomScript})
local fusionString = ZODWorks.myCustomScript:stringFusion("Onde", "Folie")
print(fusionString) -- Onde Folie
Owner → General Zod (bilaaaaaaaaaal)
Discord → https://discord.gg/xpCc6XmUaX
Version → BETA