- This is a minimum PHP MVC application, it's very helpfull to learn and full understand the MVC structure in PHP.
- It's really small which is only 7 files.
- PHP 5.3.0 or >
- Apache mod_rewrite and .htaccess override enabled.
- Just copy the files to you website folder, that's it.
- For example, if you use the local server program such as wamp, just copy the files to 'www/miniMVC-PHP/1/', then you can access this app by the url 'localhost/miniMVC-PHP/1' in chrome/firefox/safari or other browers.
- Please noted that you have to modify the '.htaccess' file in 'RewriteBase' section to match the real path what you used.
app/ - Customer application.
controllers/ - Contains controllers
Home.php - The default controller Home
models/ - Contains models
User.php - A 'User' model
views/ - Contains templates
Home/ - Controller path
index.php - a template
.htaccess - Setting this folder is forbidden to access
sys/ - Contains core files
.htaccess - Setting this folder is forbidden to access
App.php - Initial the app and dispatch the URL.
Autoload.php - Autoload function
Controller.php - The controller class
.htaccess - Rewrites the url.
index.php - The "boot strapping" script
README.md - You're reading it.