Web automation cli package used to get exam data. Written in node.js and typescript and mainly the pupeteer package. This package was created for educational purposes only.
!!!! This package is DEPRECATED and it no longer works as intended.
Install using node package manager: npm i -g edu-exam-cli
eduhack [options] <url>
where url is the adress of specific exam-d, --debug
displays some debug information during the process-w, --web
displays web simulation (pupeteer chromium window)-m, --marking
tries to get individual markings for each question (wip)
After running the command the cli asks you for credentials to log in. Your personal data isn't collected or saved in any way or form, it's only used by web automation script to log into your account. Then the script navigates to specified url and extracts the data.
To build the package yourself:
- clone package repository
- install dependencies using
npm install
in project folder - build project using
npm run build
(you can also globally install it in one go using npm run create