Our final project is a web application named project manager.As the topic presented, we concentrate on creating a complete system which is open for all the users, not just the group members. All the people who have a lot of tasks need to handle are our targeted users. The task manager aims to be a widely used, multiple functions website application suitable for users manage their present or old tasks at different electronic equipments, including laptop, Ipad or cell phones. We try our best to think as real users, therefore, we can provide an application can serve users better. The key point of this project is to provide convenience in managing tasks to the users. So the web application tends to be simple and clean. The users can simply type their task name, task status, task time in the blank to create a new task. And they can also search their tasks by typing key words in case they can not find the task by scanning.
Use CodeIgniter Framework, Twitter Bootstrap, Some Ajax, Javascript Code.
To test it on your own server: 1) Load the testproject.sql 2) Change Application/config/config confirguration as following:
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/testproject/';
- Change Application/config/database configuration as following:
$db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$db['default']['username'] = 'yourdatabaseusernamehere';
$db['default']['password'] = 'yourdatabasepasswordhere';
$db['default']['database'] = 'testproject';
For your convience, you can use the following sample account to test: Email:[email protected] Password: nihaoma
Chunxi Zhang