Bare bones, low-level agent for authenticating with Twitter's oAuth.
Uses both a client-side and server-side library to make the oAuth handshake more understandable.
This library does not make any assumptions about your server-side architecture, allowing it to easily adapt to any setup.
Part 1: server.js
var Twitter = require('twitter-oauth-agent');
// Get the token and send to the client
consumer_key: options.consumer_key,
consumer_secret: options.consumer_secret,
callback: query.callback || options.callback
}, function(err, token) {
if (err) return res.status(500).send({ error: err.message });
Part 2: client.js
var Twitter = require('twitter-oauth-agent');
// Open popup with the token object sent from the server
Twitter(token, function(err, code) {
// send "code" to server.js
Part 3: server.js
var Twitter = require('twitter-oauth-agent');
// received "code" from client, use it to
// fetch the full profile.
consumer_secret: options.consumer_secret,
oauth_verifier: body.oauth_verifier,
consumer_key: options.consumer_key,
oauth_token: body.oauth_token
}, function(err, profile) {
// "profile" will contain your twitter information
npm install twitter-oauth-agent
Most of this code is distilled from the satellizer project.
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2015 Matthew Mueller <[email protected]>