This is Lark.js log module.
const LarkLogger = require('lark-log');
const logger = new LarkLogger({ 'using-default': true });
const LarkLogger = require('lark-log');
const logger = new LarkLogger();
const config = {
"@description": "This is the default config",
"level": 1,
"methods": {
"debug": {
"level": 1,
"output": "console"
"print": {
"level": 2,
"output": "console"
"trace": {
"level": 2,
"output": "system"
"notice": {
"level": 3,
"output": "system"
"warn": {
"level": 4,
"output": "system"
"error": {
"level": 5,
"output": "error"
"fatal": {
"level": 5,
"output": "error"
"outputs": {
"default": {
"line-max-length": 2000,
"format": "<%= method.toUpperCase() %>:\t<%= date('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')%>\t<%= content %>",
"path-prefix": "logs/",
"path-suffix": ".log"
"console": null,
"system": {
"path": "system"
"error": {
"path": "system",
"path-suffix": ""
logger.debug('debug');// write "debug " to terminal
logger.notice('notice');// write "NOTICE: {DATETIME} notice" to system.log, {DATETIME} is in "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss" style
logger.error('error');//write to
"outputs": {
"default": {
"path-suffix": ".log.<%= date('yyyymmddHH') %>"
- If '<%' exists in path (including prefix and suffix), the path will be regarded as a dynamic path. LarkLog calculates the path every when an output came.