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This is a script and library to help interfact with the ADC64 format.

To install::

pip install adc64format

mpd format (new)

To use interactively or within another python codebase::

from adc64format import mpd_parse_chunk, mpd_parse_run_start, MPDReader

input_file = adc64format.MPDReader(input_filename,n_adcs)

# Read run info
_, nbytes_runinfo, runinfo = adc64format.mpd_parse_run_start(
# use the first file for the event reference
_, chunk_size, test_event = adc64format.mpd_parse_chunk(

events =

adc64 format (old)

To dump the contents of a single ADC64 file to an HDF5 format:: <input ADC64 file>.data <output HDF5 file>.h5

To use interactively or within another python codebase::

from adc64format import dtypes, skip_chunks, parse_chunk, ADC64Reader

# Option 1: Parse a single event from an ordinary file object
with open('<ADC64 file>.data', 'rb') as f:

    # Load the first event
    chunk = parse_chunk(f)

    # Look at chunk data (as numpy arrays)
    for key in dtypes:

    # Skip N events
    n = 100
    skip_chunks(f, n)
    chunk = parse_chunk(f)

# Option 2: Parse events from multiple files and align by timestamp
with ADC64Reader('<ADC 64 file from ADC 0>.data', '<ADC 64 file from ADC 1>.data', ...) as reader:
    batch_size = 10 # how many events to load on each iteration
    events =
    # get matched events between multiple files
    events_file0, events_file1, ... = events

    # Look at data
    for key in dtypes: