A library for sequential composition of updates in the convenient style of pipelines, where functions are chained together using the pipe operator. For example;
update msg model =
case msg of
SomeMsg someMsg ->
save model
|> andThen (setPower 100)
|> andAddCmd someCmd
Monadic functions of type a -> ( b, Cmd msg )
form the building blocks of a pipeline.
We use save
to create an update without any commands, and andThen
to extract the model from a result and pass it as input to the next function in the pipeline.
showToast : String -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
showToast = ...
setColor : Color -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg )
setColor color model =
save { model | color = color }
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
|> setColor Orange
|> andThen (showToast "Color changed to orange")
The applicative interface, map2
, map3
, etc., together with andMap
, addresses the need to map functions with more than one parameter over ( model, Cmd msg )
type alias Model =
{ menuOpen : Bool, session : Session, router : Router.Model }
initSession : Flags -> ( Session, Cmd Msg )
initSession = ...
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
save Model
|> andMap (save False)
|> andMap (initSession flags)
|> andMap initRouter
In this example, init
can also be defined as
init flags =
map3 Model (save False) (initSession flags) initRouter