- Download the vanilla server minecraft 1.8.+ https://minecraft.net/download
- Configure the server:
- motd=Server 1
- online-mode=false
- enable-rcon=true
- rcon.password=you rcon password for this server (such as 1234)
- rcon.port=rcon port for this server (such as 25575)
- server-port=server port for this server (such as 25565)
- Make a copy of the configured server and reconfigure it:
- motd=Server 2
- online-mode=false
- enable-rcon=true
- rcon.password=you rcon password for this server (such as 1234)
- rcon.port=rcon port for this server (such as 25574)
- server-port=server port for this server (such as 25564)
- Open the console and enter the following commands:
- wget https://github.com/lastuniverse/nmp-proxy/archive/master.zip
- cd nmp-proxy-master
- npm install
- cp lib/servers/serverlist.json.sample lib/servers/serverlist.json
- Then edit file lib/servers/serverlist.json halyard so that it matches the server settings that you did above.
- Run both your vanilla server. wait for them to complete the load.
- Run nmp-proxy (start.sh in nmp-proxy-master folder)
If done correctly, you will see:
nmp-proxy> ./start.sh
test Users 1
test Users 2
rcon Authed! [server_1]
rcon Authed! [server_2]
and the proxy server will be available at
- realization of the group of commands /warp
- realization of command /spawn
- implementation of the protection of the territory. the whole territory located within 50 blocks from the spawn protected
- implementation of the transition between the servers. When crossing the border X = -100 you move from one server to another.
nmp-proxy is built from the night practices. it's just a demonstration of the possibilities of the node-minecraft-protocol proxy server.