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Tools for processing SEP 3 geological data.


The SEP3-Tools are based on ANTLR and are providing a tool to parse coded strings such as ^u(t,lw). The grammar of these codes is defined in file PetroGrammar and translated into a parser using the Java programming language.


SEP3-Tools are distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1 (LGPL 2.1). More information about the license can be found here.


Please send bug reports to the github repository.


Install a PostgreSQL database 12+.

Woerterbuch data

Download the dictionary ("Woerterbuch") data from as follows:

  • "Schlüssellisten mit Kürzeln und zugehörigem Klartext und Typisierungen" - "Wörterbuch" - "November 2022"

It's a ZIP file which contains the accdb and mdb files.

Convert to PostgreSQL, e.g. using mdbtools:

$ mdb-schema -T Schluesseltypen Woerterbuch_Austausch_Internet_accdb.accdb postgres > Schluesseltypen_create-table.sql
$ mdb-export Woerterbuch_Austausch_Internet_accdb.accdb Schluesseltypen > Schluesseltypen.csv
$ mdb-schema -T Woerterbuch Woerterbuch_Austausch_Internet_accdb.accdb postgres > Woerterbuch_create-table.sql
$ mdb-export -D %F Woerterbuch_Austausch_Internet_accdb.accdb Woerterbuch > Woerterbuch.csv

Create the "Schluesseltypen" and "Woerterbuch" tables in your PostgreSQL database, e.g. in their own "woerterbuch" schema:

sep3=# create schema woerterbuch;
sep3=# set search_path = woerterbuch, public;
sep3=# \i /tmp/Schluesseltypen_create-table.sql
sep3=# \copy "Schluesseltypen" from '/tmp/Schluesseltypen.csv' CSV HEADER
sep3=# \i /tmp/Woerterbuch_create-table.sql
sep3=# set datestyle to 'SQL,MDY';
sep3=# \copy "Woerterbuch" from '/tmp/Woerterbuch.csv' CSV HEADER

Test your conversion by e.g. retrieving all "Woerterbuch" table entries for the "PETRO" data field:

sep3=# select "Typ", "Langtext" as "Typbezeichnung", "Kuerzel", "Klartext" from "Woerterbuch" w join "Schluesseltypen" s on w."Typ" = s."Nebentypbez" where s."Datenfeld" = 'PETRO' order by "Typ", "Kuerzel";
     Typ      |                    Typbezeichnung                     | Kuerzel |                     Klartext                     
 Ergaenz_Allg | Allgemeine Ergänzungsattribute (Eigenschaften)        | afg     | aufgearbeitet
 Ergaenz_Allg | Allgemeine Ergänzungsattribute (Eigenschaften)        | agl     | aufgelockert
 Ergaenz_Allg | Allgemeine Ergänzungsattribute (Eigenschaften)        | agw     | ausgewaschen
 Ergaenz_Allg | Allgemeine Ergänzungsattribute (Eigenschaften)        | al      | allochthon
 Spetro_Oz    | Zersetzungsgrad nach SCHNEEKLOTH (1977)               | zg3     | mäßig zersetzt
 Spetro_Oz    | Zersetzungsgrad nach SCHNEEKLOTH (1977)               | zg4     | stark zersetzt
 Spetro_Oz    | Zersetzungsgrad nach SCHNEEKLOTH (1977)               | zg5     | sehr stark zersetzt
 Spetro_Oz    | Zersetzungsgrad nach SCHNEEKLOTH (1977)               | zgu     | unzersetzt
(2113 rows)



To build SEP3-Tools you need to install a JDK 11 and Apache Maven 3.9.x. Then run the following command to build the parser:

mvn clean install

NOTE: Downloading dependencies from GitHub Repositories require a GITHUB_TOKEN set in your local Maven settings.xml file, see Working with the Apache Maven registry for more information.

To execute the parser you have to download ANTLR and all other dependencies first with:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DoutputDirectory=target

Then you can execute the parser with:

java -jar ./target/sep3-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar "<soil_codes>"

for example:

$> java -jar ./target/sep3-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar "^u(t,lw)"
2021-09-14 12:00:00 WARN  org.sep3tools.PetroVisitor:20 - Dictionary is not available, fallback to internal dictionary if possible.
Schluffstein (tonig, lagenweise)

or using the Woerterbuch data with the options sep3-parser [jdbc-url] [username] [password] [dictionary] [keytypes] <soil_codes>:

$> java -jar ./target/sep3-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" "postgres" "postgres" "woerterbuch.\"Woerterbuch\"" "woerterbuch.\"Schluesseltypen\"" "G(fg-gg,ms-gs,mats,mata,grs(tw)),fX-mX(mata),mS(fs,grs,fg-mg2,mx(voe))"
Kies [gerundet] (feinkiesig bis grobkiesig, mittelsandig bis grobsandig, Schwarzwaldmaterial, alpines Material, grusig (teilweise)), Feinsteinstücke [2,0-6,3 mm] bis Mittelsteinstücke [6,3-20 mm] (alpines Material), Mittelsand [0,2-0,63 mm] (feinsandig, grusig, feinkiesig bis mittelkiesig2, mittelsteinig (vereinzelt vorhanden))

Running inside PostgreSQL

You can install SEP3-Tools into a PostgreSQL database and execute the parser via a database function. The SEP3-Tools are using the PL/Java library to execute the parser via SQL.

Prepare PostgreSQL

Follow the PL/Java installation guide and install a JDK 11 on the machine running the PostgreSQL database.

The installation steps for PostgreSQL 12 with OpenJDK 11 and PL/Java v1.6.4 on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS in a nutshell:

apt-get update && apt-get -yq install postgresql-server-dev-12 openjdk-11-jdk maven git gcc libssl-dev libkrb5-dev 
git clone
cd pljava
git checkout tags/V1_6_4
mvn install 
sudo java -jar pljava-packaging/target/pljava-pg12.jar

or install the latest PL/Java version on Debian using the postgresql-12-pljava package:

apt-get update && apt-get install postgresql-12-pljava

Install SEP3-Tools in PostgreSQL

Now PL/Java is installed and the SEP3-Tools library needs to be loaded into the database. Connect to the PostgreSQL database with psql -U postgres and execute the following statements:

SET pljava.libjvm_location TO '/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/';
ALTER database postgres SET pljava.libjvm_location FROM current;
SELECT sqlj.install_jar('file:///<PATH_TO_SEP3-TOOLS>/target/sep3-parser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar', 'sep3', true);
SELECT sqlj.set_classpath('public', 'sep3');

Verify the installation by executing the function S3_AsText():

SELECT S3_AsText('^u');

You can get the description of the function by executing the \df command:

petroparser=# \df *s3_*;
                                                   List of functions
 Schema |   Name    | Result data type  |                          Argument data types                           | Type 
 public | s3_astext | character varying | s3string character varying                                             | func
 public | s3_astext | character varying | s3string character varying, wb character varying, st character varying | func
(2 rows)