The sole purpose of this image is to watch a given file for changes and then send SIGHUP to a given process name.
You can use this image as a sidecar for Vault to notify the process whenever the certificate changes / gets renewed.
Just deploy the image as a sidecar and make sure to enable a shared process namespace so the image can see the target process:
- image: "laugmanuel/inotify-sighup-sidecar"
name: inotify-sighup-sidecar
- name: k8s-secret-with-file-to-watch
mountPath: /inotifywait/
The behaviour of this image is controlled by environment variables:
Path to file the image should watch.
Default: /inotifywait/tls.crt
Options to pass to the inotifywait
Default: -e modify -e delete -e delete_self
Process name where the SIGHUP should be sent to:
Default: vault