PECR Cookie Opt-In Tool
- 📦 Parcel
- 💬 Babel
- 🍦 Vanilla JS
- 💄 Sass
- 🧶 Yarn
Basic Use:
Include rawCookie.js
from dist in your script tag.
<script src="./myproject/rawCookie.js" />
Note: If placing in the head you need to add the defer
Custom Colors:
You can include any or all of the following data-attributes to set colours for the initial dialog, and info dialog background(bg) and foreground(fg), as well as the button background and foreground, and also the color of the link.
<script defer src="../src/rawCookie.js" data-color-primarybg="#f0f333" data-color-primaryfg="#f5f" data-color-secondarybg="#f5f" data-color-secondaryfg="#f0f333" data-color-buttonbg="#FF0000" data-color-buttonfg="#e1e1e1" data-color-link="#579a60"></script>
Run Development
yarn dev
You can edit the sass and JS here with hot module reloading. Oututs to development
Sass gets compiled by Parcel. You need to include the path to the main.sass file in the index.html head
public/index -> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/styles/main.sass" />
If you want to test the injected styles, you can comment out the above line in the head and remove the if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production')
in src/rawCookie.js
Run Clean
yarn clean
This wipes the Development and Dist folders, and the cache.
Compile JS
yarn build-js
Compile the JS package using Babel and Babel Core JS Regenerator package is needed if you want to use promises and imports/exports
in package.json
to not target it and older browsers, then recompile/rebundle. You can shave off about 40kb of excess JS and CSS.
Compile Styles
Runs using dart-sass on the CLI. Autoprefixes and minifies, outputs to dist
Update Styles To Inject
yarn update-styles-to-inject
Requires a compiled and minified css file to be in dist
Reads the file and converts it to a .js export src/styles/compiledCSS.js
yarn bundle-for-prod
Runs clean
then build-styles
then update-styles-to-inject
and finally build-js
Compiles the sass, recreates the JS expport for use in rawCookie.js for injection and then bundles the JS again including the changed styles.
If you only changed the JS you only need to run build-js
Nice to Have
Convert the data js files to JSON
Add fetch with polyfill to get all the config data + loading styles for disclosures
Add unit testing
✅ Automate the minifying and stringing of the styles. -
✅ Automate renaming the script to output as rawCookie.js on compile (strip the suffix) -
✅ Add all the global config like privacy policy link, bools to show etc.