Easily communicate with the Unit4 Multivers Web API.
Via Composer
$ composer require laveto/laravel-multivers
Publish config file
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-multivers
Update the config file, it is possible to define multiple connections. See below for an example of a defined connection.
'api_url' => '',
'refresh_token' => 'dGVK!IAAAAApkHjXCUJTwYzs1sgqyoCW5D7sI3DROdJbXG9zzE6q14KAAAAFS34NmSN4rH0gUjgXsc-WrdCqKAkEkRe-7rc-fBKSwoiKnQnxreNGzzj7an18DBH3hmoOQlIfrl7ShUY8ZB4_YzsMLCf0qrggum3OAvkvBQnSuzOkcUR1xzTIGOmt1VmJs_NqbYqSLw6HAwKb4hGptxAaStfGhW2J6TJoa6350RMwIe3p6ISE7AGcPzeJMDaBBpkf6TK4BWfvzuVoVjA5Mfcr_5hxQTx8tqOMjzhsWkwnx2DfJY9IQg-7cpHy6wn6yuM5OrprIuW5IHxBrhD6acYKLUY7eigc1e3MKOX2hqw',
'client_id' => '0C16C134-2491-431E-B1D5-E470D0FE834E',
'client_secret' => 'cRenESWEbrewrEjatHe7atHaf4uwuzEphemespUFreBR8cuXaZ',
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
'database' => 'MVL00001'
The refresh_token
is obtained via the "RefreshTokenGenerator" which you can download here.
If you didn't add the library as an allias in your config/app.php then you need to add the following line at the top of your php file.
use Laveto\LaravelMultivers\Facades\Multivers;
To make a get call use:
$result = Multivers::get('CustomerInfoList');
Optionally you can pass extra data that will be added in the request query string. Of course you can also use the OData parameters here. See below example.
$result = Multivers::get('CustomerInfoList', ['$top' => 3]);
To make post request you need to use Multivers::post()
$result = Multivers::post('Customer', [
"accountManagerId": "sample string 1",
"addresses": null,
"messages": [],
"applyOrderSurcharge": true,
"businessNumber": "sample string 3",
"canChange": true,
"cannotChangeReason": "sample string 5",
"chargeVatTypeId": 0,
"city": "sample string 6",
"cocCity": "sample string 7",
"cocDate": "sample string 8",
"cocRegistration": "sample string 9",
"collectiveInvoiceSystemId": "sample string 10",
"combineInvoicesForElectronicBanking": true,
"countryId": "sample string 12",
"creditLimit": 13.0,
"creditSqueezeId": "sample string 14",
"currencyId": "sample string 15",
"customerGroupId": 16,
"customerId": "sample string 17",
"customerStateId": "sample string 18",
"database": "sample string 19",
"dateChanged": "sample string 20",
"dateCreated": "sample string 21",
"deliveryConditionId": "sample string 22",
"discountPercentage": 23.0,
"email": "sample string 24",
"fax": "sample string 25",
"fullAddress": "sample string 26",
"fullDeliveryAddress": "sample string 27",
"googleMapsDirectionsUrl": "sample string 28",
"googleMapsUrl": "sample string 29",
"governmentDigitalId": "sample string 30",
"hasOutstandingBalance": true,
"homepage": "sample string 32",
"includeVatOnOrderByDefault": true,
"intrastatGoodsCodeId": 1,
"intrastatGoodsDistributionId": 1,
"intrastatStatSystemId": 1,
"intrastatTrafficRegionId": 1,
"intrastatTransactionTypeId": "sample string 34",
"intrastatTransportTypeId": 1,
"invoiceOnBehalfOfMembers": true,
"isDunForPayment": true,
"isInFactoring": true,
"isPaymentRefRequired": true,
"isPurchaseOrganization": true,
"languageId": "sample string 40",
"mobilePhone": "sample string 41",
"name": "sample string 42",
"organizationId": 43,
"paymentConditionId": "sample string 44",
"person": "sample string 45",
"pricelistId": "sample string 46",
"printPurchaseDetails": true,
"purchaseOrganizationId": "sample string 48",
"purchaseOrganizationMemberId": "sample string 49",
"revenueAccountId": "sample string 50",
"shortName": "sample string 51",
"street1": "sample string 52",
"street2": "sample string 53",
"supplierId": "sample string 54",
"telephone": "sample string 55",
"usesUBLInvoice": true,
"vatNumber": "sample string 57",
"vatScenarioId": 1,
"vatVerificationDate": "sample string 58",
"zipCode": "sample string 59"
Besides GET
and POST
you can also use PUT
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
Tests are not included yet.
If you discover any security related issues, please email author instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see the license file for more information.