SDK for LaWallet
pnpm add @lawallet/sdk
import { Wallet, createSigner } from '@lawallet/sdk';
const Alice = new Wallet({ signer: createSigner("ALICE_SECRET_KEY") });
const Bob = new Wallet({ signer: createSigner("BOB_SECRET_KEY") });
Alice.fetch().then(({ lnurlpData, nostr }) => {
// returns lnurlpData -> /.well-known/lnurlp/<user> response
console.log('lnurlpData: ', lnurlpData);
// returns nostr profile
console.log('Nostr Profile: ', nostr);
// Returns BTC balance in millisatoshis
Alice.getBalance('BTC').then((bal) => {
console.log(`Account BTC Balance: ${bal} milisatoshis ~ ${(bal / 100000000).toFixed(8)} BTC`);
// Returns all transactions
Alice.getTransactions().then((transactions) => {
console.log('Total account transactions: ', transactions.length);
Alice.getCards().then(async (cards) => {
if (cards.length) {
// Get first card
let firstCard = cards[0];
// Pause first card
await firstCard.disable();
// Add card limit -> 1000 satoshis every 12 hours
await firstCard.addLimit({
tokenId: 'BTC',
limitType: 'hours',
limitTime: 12,
limitAmount: 1000000,
// Set card metadata (name, description)
await firstCard.setMetadata({ name: 'card name', description: 'card description' });
// Prepare the event to transfer the card
const transferEvent = await firstCard.createTransferEvent();
// Claim card with another account
await Bob.claimCardTransfer(transferEvent);
Alice.generateInvoice({ milisatoshis: 1000 }).then((invoice) => {
// Generate payment request of this wallet
Alice.createZap({ milisatoshis: 1000, receiverPubkey: Bob.pubkey }).then((invoice) => {
// Generate zap request -> returns payment request of zap request
const { pr: paymentRequest } = invoice;
// Pay invoice
onSuccess: () => {
console.log('Invoice paid successfully');
// Send transaction
tokenId: 'BTC',
receiver: '[email protected]',
amount: 1000,
comment: 'Hello!',
onSuccess: () => {
console.log('Transaction successfully sent');
onError: () => {
console.log('An error occurred with the transaction');
// Send internal transaction
tokenId: 'BTC',
receiver: 'USER_HEX_PUBKEY',
amount: 1000,
comment: 'Hello!',
onSuccess: () => {
console.log('Transaction successfully sent');
onError: () => {
console.log('An error occurred with the transaction');
Project startup (Linters, Typescript, Dependencies)
- Pubkey info
- Lightning Info
- Nostr Profile
- info (design, name, description)
- limits
- enable/disable
- setMetadata
- addLimit
- restartLimits
- replaceLimits
- createTransferEvent
- Signer + Identity
- Wallet Information
- getBalance
- getTransactions
- getCards
- signEvent
- createZap
- createInvoice
- sendTransaction
- send internal / lud16 / lnurl transfer
- onSuccess()
- onError()
- payInvoice
- claimCardTransfer
- addCard / activateCard
- registerHandle (request + payment + claim)
Tests coverage
- Federation
- Identity
- Wallet