Releases: layer5io/sistent
Sistent v0.14.121
What's New
- add headericon for prompt @sudhanshutech (#822)
- fix color and font related issue for the catalog modal @amitamrutiya (#819)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@amitamrutiya and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.120
What's New
- chore(deps): bump cross-spawn and gatsby-cli in /site @dependabot (#812)
- chore(deps): bump webpack-dev-middleware and gatsby in /site @dependabot (#797)
- chore(deps): bump axios and gatsby in /site @dependabot (#798)
- fix: Share icon is in outline format, not filled @leecalcote (#818)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@dependabot and @leecalcote
Sistent v0.14.119
What's New
- feat: add AuthorCell component and integrate it into CatalogDesignTable @amitamrutiya (#815)
- fix: catalog table date and pagination issue @amitamrutiya (#814)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.118
What's New
- Convert cloud performance section into sistent component @amitamrutiya (#813)
- chore: udpate title auto pr sistent @jerensl (#811)
- feat: remove width property from dataTableTheme for cleaner styling @amitamrutiya (#810)
- Fix some issue in the catalog design table @amitamrutiya (#809)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@amitamrutiya and @jerensl
Sistent v0.14.117
What's New
- update links to point to @amitamrutiya (#808)
- add 'Open in Playground' action button conditionally in action … @amitamrutiya (#807)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.116
What's New
- add 'Open in Playground' action button conditionally @amitamrutiya (#806)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
Sistent v0.14.115
What's New
- fix: responsive table infinte render issue @amitamrutiya (#805)
- fix theme for action buttons @sudhanshutech (#804)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@amitamrutiya and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.114
What's New
- fix: gh actopm send the version outside of the folder artifact being … @jerensl (#803)
- make filter icon custom @sudhanshutech (#802)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@jerensl and @sudhanshutech
Sistent v0.14.113
What's New
- feat: add open in playground button for cloud and extension @amitamrutiya (#800)
- Create cloud catalog design table into sistent component @amitamrutiya (#799)
- ci: fix release bump @jerensl (#801)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@amitamrutiya and @jerensl
Sistent v0.14.112
What's New
- Enhance catalog details @sudhanshutech (#796)
- Ci/auto bump wait on release npm @jerensl (#795)
Thank you to our contributors for making this release possible:
@aabidsofi19, @jerensl and @sudhanshutech