A small github repo used as an example for the coding workshop!
To use this framework you will need to:
- Replace my email ([email protected]) with your own.
- Replace all instances of samreay & samuelreay, with your own username (case insensitive replace).
- Replace my name (Samuel Hinton) with yours (used in the doc and license).
- Update the project name if you rename it. (At this point, should have edits to .travis.yml, setup.py, README.md, conf.py, LICENSE.)
- Enable Travis, CodeCov and Codacy. (You may need to make a commit and push after enabling travis to kick off a build.)
- Update the codacy badge in this readme because it uses more than username/repo (get the badge from codacy project settings).
- Set an environment variable in travis called GITHUB_API_KEY with a Personal Access Token to commit Sphinx html to public repos.