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Proof structure for surjectivity
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Signed-off-by: zeramorphic <[email protected]>
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zeramorphic committed Aug 13, 2023
1 parent a5cfaf2 commit 43386ff
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Showing 2 changed files with 205 additions and 10 deletions.
206 changes: 196 additions & 10 deletions src/phase2/complete_action.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ begin

-- TODO: Clean this up. Proof comes from an old lemma.
lemma complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' (hπf : π.free)
lemma complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' (hπf : π.free)
{c d : support_condition β} (hcd : (ihs_action π c d).lawful)
{A : extended_index β} {a : atom} {L : litter} (ha : a.1 = L)
(hL : (inr L.to_near_litter, A) ∈ refl_trans_constrained c d) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1772,17 +1772,17 @@ begin
{ cases ha; cases hL,
{ specialize hπ (inl a, A) (inr L.to_near_litter, A)
(split_lt.left_split ha hL),
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' hπf hπ rfl
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' hπf hπ rfl
(fst_mem_refl_trans_constrained' (or.inl relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)), },
{ specialize hπ (inl a, A) d (split_lt.left_lt ha),
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' hπf hπ rfl
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' hπf hπ rfl
(fst_mem_refl_trans_constrained' (or.inl relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)), },
{ specialize hπ c (inl a, A) (split_lt.right_lt ha),
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' hπf hπ rfl
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' hπf hπ rfl
(fst_mem_refl_trans_constrained' (or.inr relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)), },
{ specialize hπ (inl a, A) (inr L.to_near_litter, A)
(split_lt.right_split ha hL),
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' hπf hπ rfl
exact complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' hπf hπ rfl
(fst_mem_refl_trans_constrained' (or.inl relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)), }, },
{ rintro rfl,
Expand All @@ -1804,6 +1804,10 @@ begin
exact ihs_action_lawful_extends hπf c d (λ e f hef, ih (e, f) hef),

lemma ih_action_lawful (hπf : π.free) (c : support_condition β) :
(ih_action (π.foa_hypothesis : hypothesis c)).lawful :=
by rw [← ihs_action_self]; exact ihs_action_lawful hπf c c

We now establish a number of key consequences of `ihs_action_lawful`, such as injectivity.
Expand All @@ -1822,19 +1826,51 @@ lemma complete_litter_map_injective (hπf : π.free) (A : extended_index β) :
(or.inl relation.refl_trans_gen.refl) (or.inr relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)

/-- Atoms inside litters are mapped inside the corresponding image near-litter. -/
lemma complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map (hπf : π.free)
lemma complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter (hπf : π.free)
{A : extended_index β} {a : atom} {L : litter} :
a.1 = L ↔ π.complete_atom_map A a ∈ π.complete_near_litter_map A L.to_near_litter :=
π.complete_atom_map A a ∈ π.complete_near_litter_map A L.to_near_litter ↔ a.1 = L :=
have := complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map' hπf
have := complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter' hπf
(ihs_action_lawful hπf (inl a, A) (inl a, A)) rfl
(fst_mem_refl_trans_constrained' (or.inl relation.refl_trans_gen.refl)),
{ rintro rfl,
exact this, },
{ intro h,
exact complete_litter_map_injective hπf _
(eq_of_complete_litter_map_inter_nonempty ⟨_, this, h⟩), },
{ rintro rfl,
exact this, },

lemma mem_image_iff {α β : Type*} {f : α → β} (hf : injective f)
(x : α) (s : set α) :
f x ∈ f '' s ↔ x ∈ s :=
set.inj_on.mem_image_iff (hf.inj_on set.univ) (subset_univ _) (mem_univ _)

/-- Atoms inside near litters are mapped inside the corresponding image near-litter. -/
lemma complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map (hπf : π.free)
{A : extended_index β} {a : atom} {N : near_litter} :
π.complete_atom_map A a ∈ π.complete_near_litter_map A N ↔ a ∈ N :=
rw [← set_like.mem_coe, complete_near_litter_map_eq', set.symm_diff_def],
simp only [mem_union, mem_diff, set_like.mem_coe, not_exists, not_and,
rw complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter hπf,
rw mem_image_iff (complete_atom_map_injective hπf A),
simp only [← mem_litter_set, ← mem_diff, ← mem_union],
rw [← set.symm_diff_def, symm_diff_symm_diff_cancel_left],
rw set_like.mem_coe,

/-- The complete near-litter map is injective. -/
lemma complete_near_litter_map_injective (hπf : π.free) (A : extended_index β) :
injective (π.complete_near_litter_map A) :=
intros N₁ N₂ h,
rw [← set_like.coe_set_eq, set.ext_iff] at h ⊢,
intros a,
specialize h (π.complete_atom_map A a),
simp only [set_like.mem_coe, complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map hπf] at h ⊢,
exact h,

lemma complete_near_litter_map_subset_range (hπf : π.free) (A : extended_index β) (L : litter) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1876,6 +1912,156 @@ begin
exact complete_near_litter_map_subset_range hπf A L this, },

noncomputable def preimage_action (hπf : π.free) (c : support_condition β) : struct_action β :=
λ B, {
atom_map := λ a, ⟨(inl (π.complete_atom_map B a), B) <[α] c,
λ _, π.complete_atom_map B a⟩,
litter_map := λ L, ⟨(inr (π.complete_near_litter_map B L.to_near_litter), B) <[α] c,
λ _, π.complete_near_litter_map B L.to_near_litter⟩,
atom_map_dom_small := begin
change small (π.complete_atom_map B ⁻¹' {a | (inl a, B) <[α] c}),
refine small.preimage (complete_atom_map_injective hπf B) _,
have := reduction_small'' α (small_singleton c),
simp only [mem_singleton_iff, exists_prop, exists_eq_left] at this,
refine small.preimage _ this,
intros a b hab,
simp only [, eq_self_iff_true, and_true] at hab,
exact hab,
litter_map_dom_small := begin
change small (litter.to_near_litter ⁻¹'
(π.complete_near_litter_map B ⁻¹' {N | (inr N, B) <[α] c})),
refine small.preimage litter.to_near_litter_injective _,
refine small.preimage (complete_near_litter_map_injective hπf B) _,
have := reduction_small'' α (small_singleton c),
simp only [mem_singleton_iff, exists_prop, exists_eq_left] at this,
refine small.preimage _ this,
intros a b hab,
simp only [, eq_self_iff_true, and_true] at hab,
exact hab,

lemma preimage_action_lawful {hπf : π.free} {c : support_condition β} :
(preimage_action hπf c).lawful :=
intro A,
{ intros a b ha hb hab,
exact complete_atom_map_injective hπf A hab, },
{ intros L₁ L₂ hL₁ hL₂ hL,
exact complete_litter_map_injective hπf A (eq_of_complete_litter_map_inter_nonempty hL), },
{ intros a ha L hL,
exact (complete_atom_map_mem_complete_near_litter_map_to_near_litter hπf).symm, },

-- TODO: Clean up proof. Copied from ih_action_comp_map_flexible. Unify them.
lemma preimage_action_comp_map_flexible {hπf : π.free} {γ : Iio α} {c : support_condition β}
(A : path (β : type_index) γ) :
((preimage_action hπf c).comp A).map_flexible :=
intros L B hL₁ hL₂,
simp only [struct_action.comp_apply, ih_action_litter_map, foa_hypothesis_near_litter_image],
simp_rw preimage_action at hL₁ ⊢,
rw complete_near_litter_map_fst_eq,
obtain (hL₃ | (⟨⟨hL₃⟩⟩ | ⟨⟨hL₃⟩⟩)) := flexible_cases' _ L (A.comp B),
{ rw complete_litter_map_eq_of_flexible hL₃,
refine near_litter_approx.flexible_completion_smul_flexible _ _ _ _ _ hL₂,
intros L' hL',
exact flexible_of_comp_flexible (hπf (A.comp B) L' hL'), },
{ rw complete_litter_map_eq_of_inflexible_bot hL₃,
obtain ⟨δ, ε, hε, C, a, rfl, hC⟩ := hL₃,
contrapose hL₂,
rw not_flexible_iff at hL₂ ⊢,
rw inflexible_iff at hL₂,
obtain (⟨δ', ε', ζ', hε', hζ', hεζ', C', t', h', rfl⟩ | ⟨δ', ε', hε', C', a', h', rfl⟩) := hL₂,
{ have := congr_arg litter.β h',
simpa only [f_map_β, bot_ne_coe] using this, },
{ rw [path.comp_cons, path.comp_cons] at hC,
cases subtype.coe_injective ( (path.obj_eq_of_cons_eq_cons hC)),
exact inflexible.mk_bot _ _ _, }, },
{ rw complete_litter_map_eq_of_inflexible_coe' hL₃,
{ exact hL₂, },
obtain ⟨δ, ε, ζ, hε, hζ, hεζ, C, t, rfl, hC⟩ := hL₃,
contrapose hL₂,
rw not_flexible_iff at hL₂ ⊢,
rw inflexible_iff at hL₂,
obtain (⟨δ', ε', ζ', hε', hζ', hεζ', C', t', h', rfl⟩ | ⟨δ', ε', hε', C', a', h', rfl⟩) := hL₂,
{ rw [path.comp_cons, path.comp_cons] at hC,
cases subtype.coe_injective ( (path.obj_eq_of_cons_eq_cons hC)),
have hC := (path.heq_of_cons_eq_cons hC).eq,
cases subtype.coe_injective ( (path.obj_eq_of_cons_eq_cons hC)),
refine inflexible.mk_coe hε _ _ _ _, },
{ have := congr_arg litter.β h',
simpa only [f_map_β, bot_ne_coe] using this, }, },

lemma complete_litter_map_surjective_extends (hπf : π.free) (A : extended_index β) (L : litter)
(ha : ∀ B (a : atom), (inl a, B) <[α] (inr L.to_near_litter, A) →
a ∈ range (π.complete_atom_map B))
(hN : ∀ B N, (inr N, B) <[α] (inr L.to_near_litter, A) →
N ∈ range (π.complete_near_litter_map B)) :
L ∈ range (π.complete_litter_map A) :=
obtain (h | ⟨⟨h⟩⟩ | ⟨⟨h⟩⟩) := flexible_cases' β L A,
{ refine ⟨(near_litter_approx.flexible_completion α (π A) A).symm • L, _⟩,
rw [complete_litter_map_eq_of_flexible, near_litter_approx.right_inv_litter],
{ rw near_litter_approx.flexible_completion_litter_perm_domain_free α (π A) A (hπf A),
exact h, },
{ exact near_litter_approx.flexible_completion_symm_smul_flexible α (π A) A (hπf A) L h, }, },
{ obtain ⟨γ, ε, hε, C, a, rfl, rfl⟩ := h,
obtain ⟨b, rfl⟩ := ha _ a (relation.trans_gen.single $ constrains.f_map_bot hε _ a),
refine ⟨f_map (show ⊥ ≠ (ε : type_index), from bot_ne_coe) b, _⟩,
rw complete_litter_map_eq_of_inflexible_bot ⟨γ, ε, hε, C, b, rfl, rfl⟩, },
{ obtain ⟨γ, δ, ε, hδ, hε, hδε, B, t, rfl, rfl⟩ := h,
refine ⟨f_map (coe_ne_coe.mpr $ coe_ne' hδε)
(((preimage_action hπf (inr (f_map (coe_ne_coe.mpr $ coe_ne' hδε) t).to_near_litter,
(B.cons (coe_lt hε)).cons (bot_lt_coe _))).hypothesised_allowable
⟨γ, δ, ε, hδ, hε, hδε, B, t, rfl, rfl⟩
(preimage_action_lawful.comp _) (preimage_action_comp_map_flexible _))⁻¹ • t), _⟩,
rw complete_litter_map_eq_of_inflexible_coe
⟨γ, δ, ε, hδ, hε, hδε, B, _, rfl, rfl⟩
((ih_action_lawful hπf _).comp _) (ih_action_comp_map_flexible hπf _ _),
refine congr_arg _ _,
rw smul_smul,
refine (designated_support t).supports _ _,
intros c hc,
rw [mul_smul, smul_eq_iff_eq_inv_smul],
refine biexact.smul_eq_smul _,
{ intros A a ha',
have hac := (relation.trans_gen.tail' (refl_trans_gen_constrains_comp ha' _)
(constrains.f_map hδ _ _ _ _ _ hc)),
specialize ha _ a hac,
obtain ⟨b, ha⟩ := ha,
transitivity b,
{ rw [map_inv, map_inv, inv_smul_eq_iff, ← ha],
refine eq.trans _
((struct_action.hypothesised_allowable_exactly_approximates _ _ _ _ A).map_atom b _),
rw struct_action.rc_smul_atom_eq,
{ rw ← ha at hac,
exact hac, },
{ refine or.inl (or.inl (or.inl (or.inl _))),
rw ← ha at hac,
exact hac, }, },
{ rw [map_inv, map_inv, ← smul_eq_iff_eq_inv_smul, ← ha],
refine eq.trans ((struct_action.hypothesised_allowable_exactly_approximates _ _ _ _ A)
.map_atom b _).symm _,
{ refine or.inl (or.inl (or.inl (or.inl _))),
rw ← ha at hac,
simp only [struct_action.comp_apply, ih_action_atom_map],
sorry, },
{ rw ← ha at hac,
sorry, }, }, },
{ intros A L hL₁ hL₂,
sorry, },
{ intros A L hL₁ hL₂,
sorry, }, },

end struct_approx

end con_nf
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/phase2/flexible_completion.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -71,6 +71,15 @@ begin
exact this hL,

lemma flexible_completion_symm_smul_flexible (hπ : π.free α A) (L : litter) (hL : flexible α L A) :
flexible α ((flexible_completion α π A).symm • L) A :=
have := local_perm.map_domain (flexible_completion α π A).symm.litter_perm,
rw [symm_litter_perm, local_perm.symm_domain,
flexible_completion_litter_perm_domain_free α π A hπ] at this,
exact this hL,

end near_litter_approx

end con_nf

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