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Signed-off-by: zeramorphic <[email protected]>
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zeramorphic committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent d4a4fb0 commit 7b6760b
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 37 deletions.
76 changes: 73 additions & 3 deletions ConNF/Model/Construction.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ namespace ConNF.Construction

variable [Params.{u}] [BasePositions]

structure Tang (α : Λ) (TSet : Type u) (Allowable : Type u)
[Group Allowable] [MulAction Allowable TSet] [MulAction Allowable (Address α)] where
set : TSet
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1456,6 +1457,75 @@ theorem mk_tSet_step (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
rw [← foaData_tSet_eq]
exact mk_tSet α (mk_codingFunction_le α ihs h)

noncomputable def posStep (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
(h : ∀ (β : Λ) (hβ : β < α), IHProp β (fun γ hγ => ihs γ (hγ.trans_lt hβ))) :
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI := tangleDataStep α ihs
Tang α (TSet α) (Allowable α) → μ :=
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
fun t => NewTangle.pos (mk_tSet_step α ihs h) (t.set,

theorem posStep_injective (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
(h : ∀ (β : Λ) (hβ : β < α), IHProp β (fun γ hγ => ihs γ (hγ.trans_lt hβ))) :
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI := tangleDataStep α ihs
Function.Injective (posStep α ihs h) := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
intro t₁ t₂ ht
have := NewTangle.pos_injective (mk_tSet_step α ihs h) ht
simp only [] at this
exact Tang.ext _ _ this.1 this.2

theorem posStep_typedAtom (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
(h : ∀ (β : Λ) (hβ : β < α), IHProp β (fun γ hγ => ihs γ (hγ.trans_lt hβ))) :
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
letI := tangleDataStep α ihs
∀ (a : Atom) (t : Tang α (TSet α) (Allowable α)),
t.set = newTypedAtom a → pos a ≤ posStep α ihs h t := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
intro a t ha
have := NewTangle.pos_not_mem_deny (mk_tSet_step α ihs h) (t.set,
contrapose! this
refine ⟨pos a, ?_, this.le⟩
exact Or.inl (Or.inr ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩)

theorem posStep_typedNearLitter (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
(h : ∀ (β : Λ) (hβ : β < α), IHProp β (fun γ hγ => ihs γ (hγ.trans_lt hβ))) :
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
letI := tangleDataStep α ihs
∀ (N : NearLitter) (t : Tang α (TSet α) (Allowable α)),
t.set = newTypedNearLitter N → pos N ≤ posStep α ihs h t := by
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
letI : TangleDataLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).tangleData⟩
letI : PositionedTanglesLt := ⟨fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedTangles⟩
letI : TypedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).typedObjects
letI : PositionedObjectsLt := fun β hβ => (ihs β ( hβ.elim)).positionedObjects
intro N t hN
have := NewTangle.pos_not_mem_deny (mk_tSet_step α ihs h) (t.set,
contrapose! this
refine ⟨pos N, ?_, this.le⟩
exact Or.inr ⟨N, hN, rfl⟩

noncomputable def buildStep (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
(h : ∀ (β : Λ) (hβ : β < α), IHProp β (fun γ hγ => ihs γ (hγ.trans_lt hβ))) : IH α :=
letI : Level := ⟨α⟩
Expand All @@ -1469,9 +1539,9 @@ noncomputable def buildStep (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
__ := tangleDataStep α ihs
__ := typedObjectsStep α ihs
pos := sorry
pos_typedAtom := sorry
pos_typedNearLitter := sorry
pos := ⟨posStep α ihs h, posStep_injective α ihs h⟩
pos_typedAtom := posStep_typedAtom α ihs h
pos_typedNearLitter := posStep_typedNearLitter α ihs h

noncomputable def buildStepFn (α : Λ) (ihs : (β : Λ) → β < α → IH β)
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87 changes: 53 additions & 34 deletions ConNF/NewTangle/Position.lean
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Expand Up @@ -13,30 +13,33 @@ universe u
namespace ConNF.NewTangle

variable [Params.{u}] [Level] [BasePositions] [TangleDataLt] [PositionedTanglesLt] [TypedObjectsLt]


def posBound (t : NewTangle) : Set μ :=
{ν | ∃ (A : ExtendedIndex α) (a : Atom), ⟨A, inl a⟩ ∈ t.S ∧
def posBound (t : NewTSet) (S : Support α) : Set μ :=
{ν | ∃ (A : ExtendedIndex α) (a : Atom), ⟨A, inl a⟩ ∈ S ∧
∃ (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β) (s : Tangle β) (γ : Λ) (_ : LtLevel γ) (hβγ : β ≠ γ),
a.1 = fuzz hβγ s ∧ ν = pos s} ∪
{ν | ∃ (A : ExtendedIndex α) (N : NearLitter), ⟨A, inr N⟩ ∈ t.S ∧
{ν | ∃ (A : ExtendedIndex α) (N : NearLitter), ⟨A, inr N⟩ ∈ S ∧
∃ (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β) (s : Tangle β) (γ : Λ) (_ : LtLevel γ) (hβγ : β ≠ γ),
Set.Nonempty ((N : Set Atom) ∩ (fuzz hβγ s).toNearLitter) ∧ ν = pos s}
Set.Nonempty ((N : Set Atom) ∩ (fuzz hβγ s).toNearLitter) ∧ ν = pos s} ∪
{ν | ∃ a : Atom, t = newTypedAtom a ∧ ν = pos a} ∪
{ν | ∃ N : NearLitter, t = newTypedNearLitter N ∧ ν = pos N}

def posBound' (t : NewTangle) : Set μ :=
(⋃ (c ∈ t.S) (A ∈ {A | c.1 = A}) (a ∈ {a | c.2 = inl a}) (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β)
def posBound' (t : NewTSet) (S : Support α) : Set μ :=
(⋃ (c ∈ S) (A ∈ {A | c.1 = A}) (a ∈ {a | c.2 = inl a}) (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β)
(γ : Λ) (_ : LtLevel γ) (hβγ : β ≠ γ)
(s : Tangle β) (_ : s ∈ {s | a.1 = fuzz hβγ s}),
{ν | ν = pos s}) ∪
(⋃ (c ∈ t.S) (A ∈ {A | c.1 = A}) (N ∈ {N | c.2 = inr N}) (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β)
(⋃ (c ∈ S) (A ∈ {A | c.1 = A}) (N ∈ {N | c.2 = inr N}) (β : TypeIndex) (_ : LtLevel β)
(γ : Λ) (_ : LtLevel γ)(hβγ : β ≠ γ)
(s : Tangle β) (_ : s ∈ {s | Set.Nonempty ((N : Set Atom) ∩ (fuzz hβγ s).toNearLitter)}),
{ν | ν = pos s})
{ν | ν = pos s}) ∪
(⋃ (a ∈ {a | t = newTypedAtom a}), {pos a}) ∪
(⋃ (N ∈ {a | t = newTypedNearLitter a}), {pos N})

theorem posBound_eq_posBound' (t : NewTangle) : posBound t = posBound' t := by
theorem posBound_eq_posBound' (t : NewTSet) (S : Support α) : posBound t S = posBound' t S := by
rw [posBound, posBound']
refine congr_arg₂ _ ?_ ?_
refine congr_arg₂ _ (congr_arg₂ _ (congr_arg₂ _ ?_ ?_) ?_) ?_
· ext ν
simp only [ne_eq, exists_and_right, mem_setOf_eq, setOf_eq_eq_singleton', mem_singleton_iff,
setOf_eq_eq_singleton, iUnion_exists, iUnion_iUnion_eq_left, mem_iUnion, exists_prop]
Expand All @@ -53,11 +56,15 @@ theorem posBound_eq_posBound' (t : NewTangle) : posBound t = posBound' t := by
exact ⟨⟨A, inr N⟩, hNS, N, rfl, β, inferInstance, γ, inferInstance, hβγ, s, hNs, hν⟩
· rintro ⟨⟨A, x⟩, hNS, N, rfl, β, _, γ, _, hβγ, s, hNs, hν⟩
exact ⟨A, N, hNS, β, inferInstance, s, ⟨γ, inferInstance, hβγ, hNs⟩, hν⟩
· ext ν
simp only [mem_setOf_eq, mem_iUnion, mem_singleton_iff, exists_prop]
· ext ν
simp only [mem_setOf_eq, mem_iUnion, mem_singleton_iff, exists_prop]

theorem small_posBound (t : NewTangle) : Small (posBound t) := by
theorem small_posBound (t : NewTSet) (S : Support α) : Small (posBound t S) := by
rw [posBound_eq_posBound', posBound']
refine Small.union ?_ ?_
· refine Small.bUnion t.S.small (fun c _ => ?_)
refine Small.union (Small.union (Small.union ?_ ?_) ?_) ?_
· refine Small.bUnion S.small (fun c _ => ?_)
refine Small.bUnion (by simp only [setOf_eq_eq_singleton', small_singleton]) (fun A _ => ?_)
refine Small.bUnion ?_ (fun a _ => ?_)
· refine Set.Subsingleton.small ?_
Expand All @@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ theorem small_posBound (t : NewTangle) : Small (posBound t) := by
exact fuzz_injective _ (h₁.symm.trans h₂)
· simp only [ne_eq, mem_setOf_eq, setOf_eq_eq_singleton, small_singleton, forall_exists_index,
implies_true, forall_const]
· refine Small.bUnion t.S.small (fun c _ => ?_)
· refine Small.bUnion S.small (fun c _ => ?_)
refine Small.bUnion (by simp only [setOf_eq_eq_singleton', small_singleton]) (fun A _ => ?_)
refine Small.bUnion ?_ (fun N _ => ?_)
· refine Set.Subsingleton.small ?_
Expand All @@ -99,52 +106,64 @@ theorem small_posBound (t : NewTangle) : Small (posBound t) := by
· exact Or.inl ⟨a, Or.inr ⟨ha, ha'⟩, rfl⟩
· simp only [ne_eq, mem_setOf_eq, setOf_eq_eq_singleton, small_singleton, forall_exists_index,
implies_true, forall_const]

def posDeny (t : NewTangle) : Set μ :=
{ν | ∃ ν' ∈ posBound t, ν ≤ ν'}

theorem mk_posDeny (t : NewTangle) : #(posDeny t) < #μ := by
have := (small_posBound t).trans_le Params.κ_le_μ_ord_cof
· refine Small.bUnion ?_ (fun _ _ => small_singleton _)
refine Set.Subsingleton.small ?_
intro a₁ ha₁ a₂ ha₂
exact newTypedAtom_injective (ha₁.symm.trans ha₂)
· refine Small.bUnion ?_ (fun _ _ => small_singleton _)
refine Set.Subsingleton.small ?_
intro N₁ hN₁ N₂ hN₂
exact newTypedNearLitter_injective (hN₁.symm.trans hN₂)

def posDeny (t : NewTSet × Support α) : Set μ :=
{ν | ∃ ν' ∈ posBound t.1 t.2, ν ≤ ν'}

theorem mk_posDeny (t : NewTSet × Support α) : #(posDeny t) < #μ := by
have := (small_posBound t.1 t.2).trans_le Params.κ_le_μ_ord_cof
rw [← Params.μ_ord] at this
obtain ⟨ν, hν⟩ := Ordinal.lt_cof_type this
refine (Cardinal.mk_subtype_le_of_subset ?_).trans_lt (card_Iic_lt ν)
rintro ν₁ ⟨ν₂, hν₂, hν₁⟩
exact hν₁.trans (hν ν₂ hν₂).le

theorem exists_wellOrder (h : #NewTangle = #μ) :
∃ (r : NewTangle → NewTangle → Prop) (_ : IsWellOrder NewTangle r),
theorem exists_wellOrder (h : #NewTSet = #μ) :
∃ (r : NewTSet × Support α → NewTSet × Support α → Prop)
(_ : IsWellOrder (NewTSet × Support α) r),
Ordinal.type r = Cardinal.ord #μ := by
rw [Cardinal.eq] at h
obtain ⟨e⟩ := h
have : #(NewTSet × Support α) = #μ
· simp only [Cardinal.mk_prod, Cardinal.lift_id, h, mk_support]
exact Cardinal.mul_eq_self Params.μ_isStrongLimit.isLimit.aleph0_le
rw [Cardinal.eq] at this
obtain ⟨e⟩ := this
refine ⟨e ⁻¹'o (· < ·), RelIso.IsWellOrder.preimage ((· < ·) : μ → μ → Prop) e, ?_⟩
rw [Ordinal.type_preimage ((· < ·) : μ → μ → Prop) e, Params.μ_ord]

def wellOrder (h : #NewTangle = #μ) : NewTangle → NewTangleProp :=
def wellOrder (h : #NewTSet = #μ) : NewTSet × Support α → NewTSet × Support αProp :=
(exists_wellOrder h).choose

instance wellOrder_isWellOrder (h : #NewTangle = #μ) :
IsWellOrder NewTangle (wellOrder h) :=
instance wellOrder_isWellOrder (h : #NewTSet = #μ) :
IsWellOrder (NewTSet × Support α) (wellOrder h) :=
(exists_wellOrder h).choose_spec.choose

theorem wellOrder_type (h : #NewTangle = #μ) :
theorem wellOrder_type (h : #NewTSet = #μ) :
Ordinal.type (wellOrder h) = Cardinal.ord #μ :=
(exists_wellOrder h).choose_spec.choose_spec

theorem mk_posDeny' (h : #NewTangle = #μ) (t : NewTangle) :
theorem mk_posDeny' (h : #NewTSet = #μ) (t : NewTSet × Support α) :
#{ s // wellOrder h s t } + #(posDeny t) < #μ := by
refine Cardinal.add_lt_of_lt Params.μ_isStrongLimit.isLimit.aleph0_le ?_ (mk_posDeny t)
simp only [Ordinal.card_typein]
have := Ordinal.typein_lt_type (wellOrder h) t
rw [wellOrder_type, Cardinal.lt_ord] at this
exact this

noncomputable def pos (h : #NewTangle = #μ) : NewTangle → μ :=
noncomputable def pos (h : #NewTSet = #μ) : NewTSet × Support α → μ :=
chooseWf posDeny (mk_posDeny' h)

theorem pos_injective (h : #NewTangle = #μ) : Injective (pos h) :=
theorem pos_injective (h : #NewTSet = #μ) : Injective (pos h) :=

theorem pos_not_mem_deny (h : #NewTangle = #μ) (t : NewTangle) :
theorem pos_not_mem_deny (h : #NewTSet = #μ) (t : NewTSet × Support α) :
pos h t ∉ posDeny t :=
chooseWf_not_mem_deny t

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