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67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/calculus/iterated_deriv_mathlib.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import analysis.calculus.iterated_deriv

# One-dimensional iterated derivatives
> Any changes to this file require a corresponding PR to mathlib4.
We define the `n`-th derivative of a function `f : 𝕜 → F` as a function
`iterated_deriv n f : 𝕜 → F`, as well as a version on domains `iterated_deriv_within n f s : 𝕜 → F`,
and prove their basic properties.
## Main definitions and results
Let `𝕜` be a nontrivially normed field, and `F` a normed vector space over `𝕜`. Let `f : 𝕜 → F`.
* `iterated_deriv n f` is the `n`-th derivative of `f`, seen as a function from `𝕜` to `F`.
It is defined as the `n`-th Fréchet derivative (which is a multilinear map) applied to the
vector `(1, ..., 1)`, to take advantage of all the existing framework, but we show that it
coincides with the naive iterative definition.
* `iterated_deriv_eq_iterate` states that the `n`-th derivative of `f` is obtained by starting
from `f` and differentiating it `n` times.
* `iterated_deriv_within n f s` is the `n`-th derivative of `f` within the domain `s`. It only
behaves well when `s` has the unique derivative property.
* `iterated_deriv_within_eq_iterate` states that the `n`-th derivative of `f` in the domain `s` is
obtained by starting from `f` and differentiating it `n` times within `s`. This only holds when
`s` has the unique derivative property.
## Implementation details
The results are deduced from the corresponding results for the more general (multilinear) iterated
Fréchet derivative. For this, we write `iterated_deriv n f` as the composition of
`iterated_fderiv 𝕜 n f` and a continuous linear equiv. As continuous linear equivs respect
differentiability and commute with differentiation, this makes it possible to prove readily that
the derivative of the `n`-th derivative is the `n+1`-th derivative in `iterated_deriv_within_succ`,
by translating the corresponding result `iterated_fderiv_within_succ_apply_left` for the
iterated Fréchet derivative.

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical topology big_operators
open filter asymptotics set

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [nontrivially_normed_field 𝕜]
variables {F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F]
variables {E : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E]

-- lemma iterated_deriv_within_univ {n : ℕ} {f : 𝕜 → F} {n : ℕ} :
-- iterated_deriv_within n f univ = iterated_deriv n f :=

lemma iterated_fderiv_within_nhds {u : set E} {x : E} {f : E → F} {n : ℕ} (hu : u ∈ 𝓝 x) :
iterated_fderiv_within 𝕜 n f u x = iterated_fderiv 𝕜 n f x :=
by rw [←iterated_fderiv_within_univ, ←univ_inter u, iterated_fderiv_within_inter hu]

lemma iterated_deriv_within_of_is_open {s : set 𝕜} {f : 𝕜 → F} (n : ℕ) (hs : is_open s) :
eq_on (iterated_deriv_within n f s) (iterated_deriv n f) s :=
λ x hx, by rw [iterated_deriv_within, iterated_deriv, iterated_fderiv_within_of_is_open _ hs hx]

lemma iterated_deriv_within_nhds {u : set 𝕜} {x : 𝕜} {f : 𝕜 → F} {n : ℕ} (hu : u ∈ 𝓝 x) :
iterated_deriv_within n f u x = iterated_deriv n f x :=
by rw [iterated_deriv_within, iterated_deriv, iterated_fderiv_within_nhds hu]
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/calculus/taylor_mathlib.lean
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import analysis.calculus.taylor
import analysis.calculus.cont_diff
import data.set.intervals.unordered_interval

open set

open_locale nat


variables {α : Type*} [lattice α]

def uIoo (x y : α) : set α := Ioo (x ⊓ y) (x ⊔ y)

lemma uIoo_of_le {x y : α} (h : x ≤ y) : uIoo x y = Ioo x y :=
by rw [uIoo, inf_eq_left.2 h, sup_eq_right.2 h]

lemma uIoo_of_ge {x y : α} (h : y ≤ x) : uIoo x y = Ioo y x :=
by rw [uIoo, inf_eq_right.2 h, sup_eq_left.2 h]

lemma uIoo_comm (x y : α) : uIoo x y = uIoo y x := by rw [uIoo, uIoo, inf_comm, sup_comm]

lemma uIoo_subset_Ioo {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂ : α} (ha : a₁ ∈ Icc a₂ b₂) (hb : b₁ ∈ Icc a₂ b₂) :
uIoo a₁ b₁ ⊆ Ioo a₂ b₂ :=
Ioo_subset_Ioo (le_inf ha.1 hb.1) (sup_le ha.2 hb.2)


lemma taylor_mean_remainder_unordered {f : ℝ → ℝ} {g g' : ℝ → ℝ} {x x₀ : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (hx : x₀ ≠ x)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (uIcc x₀ x))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (uIcc x₀ x)) (uIoo x₀ x))
(gcont : continuous_on g (uIcc x₀ x))
(gdiff : ∀ (x_1 : ℝ), x_1 ∈ uIoo x₀ x → has_deriv_at g (g' x_1) x_1)
(g'_ne : ∀ (x_1 : ℝ), x_1 ∈ uIoo x₀ x → g' x_1 ≠ 0) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ uIoo x₀ x), f x - taylor_within_eval f n (uIcc x₀ x) x₀ x =
((x - x')^n /n! * (g x - g x₀) / g' x') •
(iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (uIcc x₀ x) x') :=
rcases ne.lt_or_lt hx with hx₀ | hx₀,
{ rw [uIcc_of_le hx₀.le] at hf hf' gcont ⊢,
rw [uIoo_of_le hx₀.le] at g'_ne gdiff hf' ⊢,
exact taylor_mean_remainder hx₀ hf hf' gcont gdiff g'_ne },
rw [uIcc_of_ge hx₀.le] at hf hf' gcont ⊢,
rw [uIoo_of_ge hx₀.le] at g'_ne gdiff hf' ⊢,
rcases exists_ratio_has_deriv_at_eq_ratio_slope (λ t, taylor_within_eval f n (Icc x x₀) t x)
(λ t, ((n! : ℝ)⁻¹ * (x - t)^n) • (iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc x x₀) t)) hx₀
(continuous_on_taylor_within_eval (unique_diff_on_Icc hx₀) hf)
(λ _ hy, taylor_within_eval_has_deriv_at_Ioo x hx₀ hy hf hf')
g g' gcont gdiff with ⟨y, hy, h⟩,
use [y, hy],
-- The rest is simplifications and trivial calculations
simp only [taylor_within_eval_self] at h,
rw [mul_comm, ←div_left_inj' (g'_ne y hy), mul_div_cancel _ (g'_ne y hy)] at h,
rw [←neg_sub, ←h],
field_simp [g'_ne y hy, n.factorial_ne_zero],

lemma taylor_mean_remainder_lagrange_unordered {f : ℝ → ℝ} {x x₀ : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (hx : x₀ ≠ x)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (uIcc x₀ x))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (uIcc x₀ x)) (uIoo x₀ x)) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ uIoo x₀ x), f x - taylor_within_eval f n (uIcc x₀ x) x₀ x =
(iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (uIcc x₀ x) x') * (x - x₀)^(n+1) /(n+1)! :=
have gcont : continuous_on (λ (t : ℝ), (x - t) ^ (n + 1)) (uIcc x₀ x) :=
by { refine continuous.continuous_on _, continuity },
have xy_ne : ∀ (y : ℝ), y ∈ uIoo x₀ x → (x - y)^n ≠ 0 :=
intros y hy,
refine pow_ne_zero _ _,
rw [sub_ne_zero],
cases le_total x₀ x,
{ rw [uIoo_of_le h] at hy,
exact' },
{ rw [uIoo_of_ge h] at hy,
exact }
have hg' : ∀ (y : ℝ), y ∈ uIoo x₀ x → -(↑n + 1) * (x - y) ^ n ≠ 0 :=
λ y hy, mul_ne_zero (neg_ne_zero.mpr (nat.cast_add_one_ne_zero n)) (xy_ne y hy),
-- We apply the general theorem with g(t) = (x - t)^(n+1)
rcases taylor_mean_remainder_unordered hx hf hf' gcont (λ y _, monomial_has_deriv_aux y x _) hg'
with ⟨y, hy, h⟩,
use [y, hy],
simp only [sub_self, zero_pow', ne.def, nat.succ_ne_zero, not_false_iff, zero_sub, mul_neg] at h,
rw [h, neg_div, ←div_neg, neg_mul, neg_neg],
field_simp [n.cast_add_one_ne_zero, n.factorial_ne_zero, xy_ne y hy],

-- x' should be in uIoo x₀ x
lemma taylor_mean_remainder_central_aux {f : ℝ → ℝ} {g g' : ℝ → ℝ} {x₀ x a b : ℝ} {n : ℕ}
(hab : a < b) (hx : x ∈ Icc a b) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (Icc a b))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (Icc a b)) (Ioo a b))
(gcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b))
(gdiff : ∀ (y : ℝ), y ∈ Ioo a b → has_deriv_at g (g' y) y) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ Ioo a b), x' ≠ x ∧ (f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x) * g' x' =
((x - x')^n / n! * (g x - g x₀)) • (iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) x') :=
rcases eq_or_ne x₀ x with rfl | hx',
{ simp only [sub_self, taylor_within_eval_self, mul_zero, zero_div, zero_smul, eq_self_iff_true,
exists_prop, and_true, zero_mul],
obtain ⟨x', hx'⟩ := ((Ioo_infinite hab).diff (set.finite_singleton x₀)).nonempty,
exact ⟨x', by simpa using hx'⟩ },
rcases ne.lt_or_lt hx' with hx' | hx',
{ have h₁ : Icc x₀ x ⊆ Icc a b := Icc_subset_Icc hx₀.1 hx.2,
have h₂ : Ioo x₀ x ⊆ Ioo a b := Ioo_subset_Ioo hx₀.1 hx.2,
obtain ⟨y, hy, h⟩ := exists_ratio_has_deriv_at_eq_ratio_slope
(λ t, taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) t x)
(λ t, ((n! : ℝ)⁻¹ * (x - t)^n) • (iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) t)) hx'
((continuous_on_taylor_within_eval (unique_diff_on_Icc hab) hf).mono h₁)
(λ _ hy, taylor_within_eval_has_deriv_at_Ioo _ hab (h₂ hy) hf hf') g g'
(gcont.mono h₁) (λ y hy, gdiff y (h₂ hy)),
refine ⟨y, h₂ hy,, _⟩,
-- The rest is simplifications and trivial calculations
simp only [taylor_within_eval_self] at h,
field_simp [←h, n.factorial_ne_zero],
ring },
{ have h₁ : Icc x x₀ ⊆ Icc a b := Icc_subset_Icc hx.1 hx₀.2,
have h₂ : Ioo x x₀ ⊆ Ioo a b := Ioo_subset_Ioo hx.1 hx₀.2,
obtain ⟨y, hy, h⟩ := exists_ratio_has_deriv_at_eq_ratio_slope
(λ t, taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) t x)
(λ t, ((n! : ℝ)⁻¹ * (x - t)^n) • (iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) t)) hx'
((continuous_on_taylor_within_eval (unique_diff_on_Icc hab) hf).mono h₁)
(λ _ hy, taylor_within_eval_has_deriv_at_Ioo _ hab (h₂ hy) hf hf') g g'
(gcont.mono h₁) (λ y hy, gdiff y (h₂ hy)),
refine ⟨y, h₂ hy,', _⟩,
-- The rest is simplifications and trivial calculations
simp only [taylor_within_eval_self] at h,
rw [←neg_sub, neg_mul, ←h],
field_simp [n.factorial_ne_zero],
ring },

lemma taylor_mean_remainder_central {f : ℝ → ℝ} {g g' : ℝ → ℝ} {x₀ x a b : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (hab : a < b)
(hx : x ∈ Icc a b) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (Icc a b))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (Icc a b)) (Ioo a b))
(gcont : continuous_on g (Icc a b))
(gdiff : ∀ (y : ℝ), y ∈ Ioo a b → has_deriv_at g (g' y) y)
(g'_ne : ∀ (y : ℝ), y ∈ Ioo a b → g' y ≠ 0) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ Ioo a b), f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x =
((x - x')^n / n! * (g x - g x₀) / g' x') •
(iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) x') :=
obtain ⟨y, hy, hyx, h⟩ := taylor_mean_remainder_central_aux hab hx hx₀ hf hf' gcont gdiff,
refine ⟨y, hy, _⟩,
rw [smul_eq_mul] at h,
rw [smul_eq_mul, div_mul_eq_mul_div, ←h, mul_div_cancel],
exact g'_ne _ hy,

lemma taylor_mean_remainder_lagrange_central {f : ℝ → ℝ} {x x₀ a b : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (hab : a < b)
(hx : x ∈ Icc a b) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (Icc a b))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (Icc a b)) (Ioo a b)) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ Ioo a b), f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x =
(iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) x') * (x - x₀)^(n+1) / (n+1)! :=
have gcont : continuous_on (λ (t : ℝ), (x - t) ^ (n + 1)) (Icc a b) :=
by { refine continuous.continuous_on _, continuity },
rcases taylor_mean_remainder_central_aux hab hx hx₀ hf hf' gcont
(λ y _, monomial_has_deriv_aux y x _) with ⟨y, hy, hy', h⟩,
have hy_ne : x - y ≠ 0 := sub_ne_zero_of_ne hy'.symm,
use [y, hy],
dsimp at h,
rw [←eq_div_iff] at h,
{ exact mul_ne_zero (neg_ne_zero.2 (by positivity)) (by positivity) },
simp only [h, sub_self, zero_pow' _ (nat.succ_ne_zero n), zero_sub, mul_neg, neg_mul,
nat.factorial_succ, nat.cast_add_one, neg_div_neg_eq, nat.cast_mul] with field_simps,
rw [mul_left_comm, ←mul_assoc, ←div_div, div_eq_iff (pow_ne_zero _ hy_ne), div_mul_eq_mul_div],
congr' 1,

lemma taylor_mean_remainder_cauchy_central {f : ℝ → ℝ} {x x₀ a b : ℝ} {n : ℕ} (hab : a < b)
(hx : x ∈ Icc a b) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b)
(hf : cont_diff_on ℝ n f (Icc a b))
(hf' : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (Icc a b)) (Ioo a b)) :
∃ (x' : ℝ) (hx' : x' ∈ Ioo a b), f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x =
(iterated_deriv_within (n+1) f (Icc a b) x') * (x - x')^n /n! * (x - x₀) :=
-- We apply the general theorem with g = id
rcases taylor_mean_remainder_central hab hx hx₀ hf hf' continuous_on_id
(λ _ _, has_deriv_at_id _) (λ _ _, by simp) with ⟨y, hy, h⟩,
refine ⟨y, hy, _⟩,
rw h,
field_simp [n.factorial_ne_zero],

lemma taylor_mean_remainder_bound_central {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a b C x x₀ : ℝ} {n : ℕ}
(hab : a ≤ b) (hf : cont_diff_on ℝ (n+1) f (Icc a b)) (hx : x ∈ Icc a b) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b)
(hC : ∀ y ∈ Ioo a b, ‖iterated_deriv_within (n + 1) f (Icc a b) y‖ ≤ C) :
‖f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x‖ ≤ C * |x - x₀| ^ (n + 1) / (n + 1)! :=
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hab with rfl | hab,
{ simp only [Icc_self, mem_singleton_iff] at hx hx₀,
substs hx₀ hx,
rw [taylor_within_eval_self, sub_self, sub_self, abs_zero, zero_pow nat.succ_pos', mul_zero,
zero_div, norm_zero] },
have : differentiable_on ℝ (iterated_deriv_within n f (Icc a b)) (Ioo a b),
{ refine (hf.differentiable_on_iterated_deriv_within _ (unique_diff_on_Icc hab)).mono
rw [←nat.cast_add_one, nat.cast_lt],
exact nat.lt_succ_self _ },
obtain ⟨x', hx', h⟩ := taylor_mean_remainder_lagrange_central hab hx hx₀ hf.of_succ this,
rw [h, norm_div, norm_mul, real.norm_coe_nat, real.norm_eq_abs ((x - x₀) ^ _), ←abs_pow],
refine div_le_div_of_le (nat.cast_nonneg _) _,
exact mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right (hC _ hx') (abs_nonneg _),

lemma exists_taylor_mean_remainder_bound_central {f : ℝ → ℝ} {a b x₀ : ℝ} {n : ℕ}
(hab : a ≤ b) (hf : cont_diff_on ℝ (n+1) f (Icc a b)) (hx₀ : x₀ ∈ Icc a b) :
∃ C, ∀ x ∈ Icc a b, ‖f x - taylor_within_eval f n (Icc a b) x₀ x‖ ≤ C * |x - x₀| ^ (n + 1) :=
rcases eq_or_lt_of_le hab with rfl | h,
{ refine ⟨0, λ x hx, _⟩,
rw [Icc_self, mem_singleton_iff] at hx hx₀,
rw [hx₀, hx, taylor_within_eval_self, sub_self, zero_mul, norm_zero] },
let C := Sup ((λ y, ‖iterated_deriv_within (n + 1) f (Icc a b) y‖) '' Icc a b),
refine ⟨C / (n + 1)!, λ x hx, _⟩,
rw [div_mul_eq_mul_div],
refine taylor_mean_remainder_bound_central hab hf hx hx₀ _,
intros y hy,
refine continuous_on.le_Sup_image_Icc _ (Ioo_subset_Icc_self hy),
exact (hf.continuous_on_iterated_deriv_within le_rfl (unique_diff_on_Icc h)).norm,
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/basic_mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -143,4 +143,10 @@ by { rw [←disjoint_coe, coe_neighbor_finset, coe_neighbor_finset], exact neigh


lemma degree_eq_zero_iff {v : V} [fintype (G.neighbor_set v)] : v = 0 ↔ ∀ w, ¬ G.adj v w :=
by rw [←not_exists, ←degree_pos_iff_exists_adj, not_lt, le_zero_iff]

lemma comap_comap {V W X : Type*} {G : simple_graph V} {f : W → V} {g : X → W} :
(G.comap f).comap g = G.comap (f ∘ g) := rfl

end simple_graph
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/clique_mathlib.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic_mathlib
import combinatorics.simple_graph.clique

namespace simple_graph

variables {V W : Type*} {G : simple_graph V} {H : simple_graph W} {n : ℕ}

lemma not_clique_free_iff' (n : ℕ) :
¬ G.clique_free n ↔ nonempty ((⊤ : simple_graph (fin n)) →g G) :=
by rw [not_clique_free_iff, (simple_graph.top_hom_graph_equiv).nonempty_congr]

lemma clique_free_iff' {n : ℕ} :
G.clique_free n ↔ is_empty ((⊤ : simple_graph (fin n)) →g G) :=
by rw [← not_iff_not, not_clique_free_iff', not_is_empty_iff]

lemma clique_free.hom (f : G →g H) : H.clique_free n → G.clique_free n :=
λ h, clique_free_iff'.2 ⟨λ x, (clique_free_iff'.1 h).elim' (f.comp x)⟩

end simple_graph

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