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feat(combinatorics/set_family/kruskal_katona): The Kruskal-Katona theorem #2770

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b-mehta Apr 15, 2020
b-mehta Apr 20, 2020
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b-mehta Apr 20, 2020
use classical instead of decidable
b-mehta Apr 20, 2020
b-mehta May 9, 2020
update mathlib
b-mehta May 21, 2020
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b-mehta May 21, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
agusakov Oct 22, 2020
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agusakov Oct 22, 2020
colex and UV are good
agusakov Oct 22, 2020
so many errors oh god
agusakov Oct 22, 2020
colex stuff is good
agusakov Oct 31, 2020
i don't even know what i did
agusakov Oct 31, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
agusakov Oct 31, 2020
agusakov Oct 31, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
agusakov Oct 31, 2020
colex broke again somehow?
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
gotta fix this swap
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
Merge branch 'master' of…
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
style fixes
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
shadows.lean seems to be ready to go
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
okay now it really looks ready
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
basic.lean is ready to go
agusakov Nov 1, 2020
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YaelDillies Oct 19, 2021
YaelDillies Oct 19, 2021
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YaelDillies Oct 31, 2021
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YaelDillies Oct 31, 2021
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YaelDillies Nov 17, 2021
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YaelDillies Nov 17, 2021
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YaelDillies Nov 18, 2021
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YaelDillies Dec 2, 2021
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YaelDillies Dec 2, 2021
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into combinatorics
YaelDillies Jan 4, 2022
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into combinatorics
YaelDillies Mar 1, 2022
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YaelDillies Mar 2, 2022
Merge branch 'master' into combinatorics
YaelDillies Jun 26, 2022
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into combinatorics
YaelDillies May 23, 2023
fix most of it
YaelDillies May 23, 2023
skip colex.partial_order
YaelDillies May 23, 2023
sorry-free again 🎉
YaelDillies May 24, 2023
YaelDillies May 24, 2023
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YaelDillies Jun 1, 2023
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YaelDillies Sep 17, 2023
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/basic.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta

import data.finset
import data.fintype.basic

open finset

variable {α : Type*}
variable {r : ℕ}

Basic definitions for finite sets which are useful for combinatorics.
We define antichains, and a proposition asserting that a set is a set of r-sets.

A family of sets is an antichain if no set is a subset of another. For example,
{{1}, {4,6,7}, {2,4,5,6}} is an antichain.
def antichain (𝒜 : finset (finset α)) : Prop := ∀ A ∈ 𝒜, ∀ B ∈ 𝒜, A ≠ B → ¬(A ⊆ B)
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/-- `all_sized A r` states that every set in A has size r. -/
def all_sized (A : finset (finset α)) (r : ℕ) : Prop := ∀ x ∈ A, card x = r

All sets in the union have size `r` iff both sets individually have this
lemma union_layer [decidable_eq α] {A B : finset (finset α)} :
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all_sized A r ∧ all_sized B r ↔ all_sized (A ∪ B) r :=
split; intros p,
rw all_sized,
rw mem_union at H,
exact H.elim (p.1 _) (p.2 _),
all_goals {rw all_sized, intros, apply p, rw mem_union, tauto},

/-- A couple of useful lemmas on fintypes -/

lemma mem_powerset_len_iff_card [fintype α] {r : ℕ} : ∀ (x : finset α),
x ∈ powerset_len r (fintype.elems α) ↔ card x = r :=
by intro x; rw mem_powerset_len; exact and_iff_right (subset_univ _)

lemma powerset_len_iff_all_sized [fintype α] {𝒜 : finset (finset α)} :
all_sized 𝒜 r ↔ 𝒜 ⊆ powerset_len r (fintype.elems α) :=
by rw all_sized; apply forall_congr _; intro A; rw mem_powerset_len_iff_card

lemma number_of_fixed_size [fintype α] {𝒜 : finset (finset α)} (h : all_sized 𝒜 r) :
card 𝒜 ≤ nat.choose (fintype.card α) r :=
rw [fintype.card, ← card_powerset_len], apply card_le_of_subset,
rwa [univ, ← powerset_len_iff_all_sized]
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/colex.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Bhavik Mehta. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Bhavik Mehta

import data.finset
import data.fintype.basic
import algebra.geom_sum

# Colex

We define the colex ordering for finite sets, and give a couple of important
lemmas and properties relating to it.

The colex ordering likes to avoid large values - it can be thought of on
`finset ℕ` as the "binary" ordering. That is, order A based on
`∑_{i ∈ A} 2^i`.
It's defined here a slightly more general way, requiring only `has_lt α` in
the definition of colex on `finset α`. In the context of the Kruskal-Katona
theorem, we are interested in particular on how colex behaves for sets of a
fixed size. If the size is 3, colex on ℕ starts
123, 124, 134, 234, 125, 135, 235, 145, 245, 345, ...

## Main statements
* `colex_hom`: strictly monotone functions preserve colex
* Colex order properties - linearity, decidability and so on.
* `max_colex`: if A < B in colex, and everything in B is < t, then everything
in A is < t. This confirms the idea that an enumeration under colex will
exhaust all sets using elements < t before allowing t to be included.
* `binary_iff`: colex for α = ℕ is the same as binary
(this also proves binary expansions are unique)

## Notation
We define `<ᶜ` and `≤ᶜ` to denote colex ordering, useful in particular when
multiple orderings are available in context.

## Tags
colex, colexicographic, binary

## References

variable {α : Type*}

open finset

A <ᶜ B if the largest thing that's not in both sets is in B.
In other words, max (A ▵ B) ∈ B.
def colex_lt [has_lt α] (A B : finset α) : Prop :=
∃ (k : α), (∀ {x}, k < x → (x ∈ A ↔ x ∈ B)) ∧ k ∉ A ∧ k ∈ B
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We can define ≤ in the obvious way.
def colex_le [has_lt α] (A B : finset α) : Prop := colex_lt A B ∨ A = B

infix ` <ᶜ `:50 := colex_lt
infix ` ≤ᶜ `:50 := colex_le

/-- Strictly monotone functions preserve the colex ordering. -/
lemma colex_hom {β : Type*} [linear_order α] [decidable_eq β] [preorder β]
{f : α → β} (h₁ : strict_mono f) (A B : finset α) :
image f A <ᶜ image f B ↔ A <ᶜ B :=
simp [colex_lt],
rintro ⟨k, z, q, k', _, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨k', λ x hx, _, λ t, q _ t rfl, ‹k' ∈ B›⟩, have := z (h₁ hx),
simp [strict_mono.injective h₁] at this, assumption,
rintro ⟨k, z, ka, _⟩,
refine ⟨f k, λ x hx, _, _, k, ‹k ∈ B›, rfl⟩,
split, any_goals {
rintro ⟨x', x'in, rfl⟩, refine ⟨x', _, rfl⟩,
rwa ← z _ <|> rwa z _, rwa strict_mono.lt_iff_lt h₁ at hx },
simp [strict_mono.injective h₁], exact λ x hx, ne_of_mem_of_not_mem hx ka

/-- A special case of `colex_hom` which is sometimes useful. -/
lemma colex_hom_fin {n : ℕ} (A B : finset (fin n)) :
image subtype.val A <ᶜ image subtype.val B ↔ A <ᶜ B :=
colex_hom (λ x y k, k) _ _

-- The basic order properties of colex.

instance [has_lt α] : is_irrefl (finset α) (<ᶜ) :=
⟨λ A h, exists.elim h (λ _ ⟨_,a,b⟩, a b)⟩
instance [has_lt α] : is_refl (finset α) (≤ᶜ) := ⟨λ A, or.inr rfl⟩
instance [linear_order α] : is_trans (finset α) (<ᶜ) :=
rintros A B C ⟨k₁, k₁z, notinA, inB⟩ ⟨k₂, k₂z, notinB, inC⟩,
have: k₁ ≠ k₂ := ne_of_mem_of_not_mem inB notinB,
cases lt_or_gt_of_ne this,
refine ⟨k₂, _, by rwa k₁z h, inC⟩,
intros x hx, rw ← k₂z hx, apply k₁z (trans h hx),
refine ⟨k₁, _, notinA, by rwa ← k₂z h⟩,
intros x hx, rw k₁z hx, apply k₂z (trans h hx)
instance [linear_order α] : is_asymm (finset α) (<ᶜ) := by apply_instance
instance [linear_order α] : is_antisymm (finset α) (≤ᶜ) :=
⟨λ A B AB BA, AB.elim (λ k, BA.elim (λ t, (asymm k t).elim) (λ t, t.symm)) id⟩
instance [linear_order α] : is_trans (finset α) (≤ᶜ) :=
⟨λ A B C AB BC, AB.elim (λ k, BC.elim (λ t, or.inl (trans k t)) (λ t, t ▸ AB))
(λ k, k.symm ▸ BC)⟩
instance [linear_order α] : is_strict_order (finset α) (<ᶜ) := {}

instance [linear_order α] : is_trichotomous (finset α) (<ᶜ) :=
split, intros A B,
by_cases (A = B), right, left, assumption,
rcases (exists_max_image (A \ B ∪ B \ A) id _) with ⟨k, hk, z⟩,
simp at hk, cases hk, right, right, swap, left, swap,
any_goals { refine ⟨k, λ t th, _, hk.2, hk.1⟩, specialize z t, by_contra,
simp only [mem_union, mem_sdiff, id] at z, rw [not_iff,
iff_iff_and_or_not_and_not, not_not, and_comm] at a,
apply not_le_of_lt th (z _) },
{ exact a }, { exact a.symm },
rw nonempty_iff_ne_empty,
intro a, simp only [union_eq_empty_iff, sdiff_eq_empty_iff_subset] at a,
apply h (subset.antisymm a.1 a.2)

instance [linear_order α] : is_total (finset α) (≤ᶜ) := ⟨λ A B,
(trichotomous A B).elim3 (or.inl ∘ or.inl) (or.inl ∘ or.inr) (or.inr ∘ or.inl)⟩

instance [linear_order α] :
is_linear_order (finset α) (≤ᶜ) := {}
instance [linear_order α] : is_incomp_trans (finset α) (<ᶜ) :=
rintros A B C ⟨nAB, nBA⟩ ⟨nBC, nCB⟩,
have: A = B := ((trichotomous A B).resolve_left nAB).resolve_right nBA,
have: B = C := ((trichotomous B C).resolve_left nBC).resolve_right nCB,
rw [‹A = B›, ‹B = C›], rw and_self, apply irrefl
instance [linear_order α] :
is_strict_weak_order (finset α) (<ᶜ) := {}
instance [linear_order α] :
is_strict_total_order (finset α) (<ᶜ) := {}
instance colex_order [has_lt α] : has_le (finset α) := {le := (≤ᶜ)}
instance colex_preorder [linear_order α] : preorder (finset α) :=
{le_refl := refl_of (≤ᶜ), le_trans := is_trans.trans, ..colex_order}
instance colex_partial_order [linear_order α] : partial_order (finset α) :=
{le_antisymm := is_antisymm.antisymm, ..colex_preorder}
instance colex_linear_order [linear_order α] :
linear_order (finset α) :=
{le_total :=, ..colex_partial_order}

Rewrite colex in a particular way so that it uses only bounded quantification,
so we can infer decidability.
lemma colex_dec [has_lt α] (A B : finset α) : A <ᶜ B ↔
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The stuff here can probably go - they let us infer decidability but this can just be done by going classical, so this isn't really necessary

∃ (k ∈ B), (∀ x ∈ A, k < x → x ∈ B) ∧ (∀ x ∈ B, k < x → x ∈ A) ∧ k ∉ A :=
rw colex_lt, split,
{ rintro ⟨k, z, kA, kB⟩,
refine ⟨k, kB, λ t th kt, (z kt).1 th, λ t th kt, (z kt).2 th, kA⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨k, kB, zAB, zBA, kA⟩,
refine ⟨k, λ t th, _, kA, kB⟩, refine ⟨λ z, zAB _ z th, λ z, zBA _ z th⟩ }
instance colex_lt_decidable [decidable_linear_order α] (A B : finset α) :
decidable (A <ᶜ B) := by rw colex_dec; apply_instance
instance colex_le_decidable [decidable_linear_order α] (A B : finset α) :
decidable (A ≤ᶜ B) := or.decidable
instance colex_decidable_order [decidable_linear_order α] :
decidable_linear_order (finset α) :=
{decidable_le := infer_instance, ..colex_linear_order}

/-- Colex is an extension of the base ordering on α. -/
lemma colex_singleton [linear_order α] {x y : α} :
({x} : finset α) <ᶜ {y} ↔ x < y :=
rw colex_lt, simp, conv_lhs { conv {congr, funext, rw and_comm,
rw and_comm (¬k=x), rw and_assoc},
rw exists_eq_left },
split, rintro ⟨p, q⟩, apply (lt_trichotomy x y).resolve_right,
rw not_or_distrib, split, intro, apply p, symmetry, assumption,
intro a, specialize q a, apply p, symmetry, rw ← q,
intro, split, apply ne_of_gt a, intros z hz, rw iff_false_left,
apply ne_of_gt hz, apply ne_of_gt (trans hz a)
If A is before B in colex, and everything in B is small, then everything in
A is small.
lemma max_colex [linear_order α] {A B : finset α} (t : α)
(h₁ : A <ᶜ B) (h₂ : ∀ x ∈ B, x < t) :
∀ x ∈ A, x < t :=
rw colex_lt at h₁, rcases h₁ with ⟨k, z, _, _⟩,
intros x hx, apply lt_of_not_ge, intro, apply not_lt_of_ge a, apply h₂,
rwa ← z, apply lt_of_lt_of_le (h₂ k ‹_›) a,

/-- If everything in A is less than k, we can bound the sum of powers. -/
lemma binary_sum_nat {k : ℕ} {A : finset ℕ} (h₁ : ∀ {x}, x ∈ A → x < k) :
A.sum (pow 2) < 2^k :=
apply lt_of_le_of_lt (sum_le_sum_of_subset (λ t, mem_range.2 ∘ h₁)),
have z := geom_sum_mul_add 1 k, rw [geom_series, mul_one] at z,
rw one_add_one_eq_two at z,
rw ← z,
apply nat.lt_succ_self,

/-- Colex doesn't care if you remove the other set -/
lemma colex_ignores_sdiff [has_lt α] [decidable_eq α] (A B : finset α) :
A <ᶜ B ↔ A \ B <ᶜ B \ A :=
rw colex_lt, rw colex_lt, apply exists_congr, intro k,
split; rintro ⟨z, kA, kB⟩; refine ⟨_, _, _⟩; simp at kA kB z ⊢,
intros x hx, rw z hx, intro, exact kB, exact ⟨kB, kA⟩,
intros x hx, specialize z hx, tauto, tauto, tauto

/-- For subsets of ℕ, we can show that colex is equivalent to binary. -/
lemma binary_iff (A B : finset ℕ) : A.sum (pow 2) < B.sum (pow 2) ↔ A <ᶜ B :=
have z: ∀ (A B : finset ℕ), A <ᶜ B → A.sum (pow 2) < B.sum (pow 2),
intros A B, rw colex_ignores_sdiff, rintro ⟨k, z, kA, kB⟩,
rw ← sdiff_union_inter A B, conv_rhs {rw ← sdiff_union_inter B A},
rw [sum_union (disjoint_sdiff_inter _ _), sum_union (disjoint_sdiff_inter _ _),
inter_comm, add_lt_add_iff_right],
apply lt_of_lt_of_le (@binary_sum_nat k (A \ B) _),
apply single_le_sum (λ _ _, nat.zero_le _) kB,
intros x hx, apply lt_of_le_of_ne (le_of_not_lt (λ kx, _)),
apply (ne_of_mem_of_not_mem hx kA), specialize z kx, have := z.1 hx,
rw mem_sdiff at this hx, exact hx.2 this.1,
refine ⟨λ h, (trichotomous A B).resolve_right
(λ h₁, h₁.elim _ (not_lt_of_gt h ∘ z _ _)), z A B⟩,
rintro rfl, apply irrefl _ h