Spring 2025 (Syllabus)
A climate data science course from LEAP STC
A project-based learning course where teams of climate science and data science students collaborate to create machine learning predictive models for challenges inspired by LEAP's research.
Following the work of
- Nakamura et al. (2009). Classifying North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks by Mass Moments. Journal of Climate, 22(20), 5481–5494. doi:10.1175/2009jcli2828.1
- [Introduction to LEAP CPC] (McKinley)
- [Introduction to Earth Systems and Climate Change] (McKinley)
- Tutorial on LEAP Pangeo
- Project 1 description Hurricanes, Climate, Clustering starts
- Team activities
- Introduction and a fun fact
- Review and discuss project 1 materials as a group
- [A deep dive into Project 1] (McKinley)
- Project 1 starter code review (TA Xinyi Ke)
- Discussion / Q&A
- Round robin - teams share project plans
- Presentation and submission instruction
- Discussion and Q&A
- Project 1 presentations
- Discussion and Q&A
Following the work of
- Sane, A. et al. (2023). Parameterizing Vertical Mixing Coefficients in the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Using Neural Networks. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(10). doi:10.1029/2023ms003890
([starter codes])
- [Project 2] starts.
- Introduction to Project 2 and the challenge of parameterization (McKinley)
- Tutorial on neural networks (Zheng)
- Project 2 [starter codes]
- Discussion and Q&A
- [Tutorial] [Ocean mixing] (McKinley)
- Discussion and Q&A
- Round robin - teams share project plans
- Visit by study lead author Dr. Sane
- Group work
- Discussion and Q&A
- Group work
- Discussion and Q&A
- Project 2 presentations
- Discussion and Q&A
Following the work of
- Gloege, L. et al. (2021) Quantifying errors in observationally-based estimates of ocean carbon sink variability, Global Biogeochem. Cycles doi:10.1029/2020GB006788.
- Heimdal, T.H. and G.A. McKinley (2024) Using observing system simulation experiments to assess impacts of observational uncertainties in surface ocean pCO2 machine learning reconstructions, Scientific Rep.doi:10.1038/s41598-024-70617-x.
- Heimdal, et al. (2024) Assessing improvements in global ocean pCO2 machine learning reconstructions with Southern Ocean autonomous sampling, Biogeosciences doi:10.5194/bg-21-2159-2024.
- and other papers from the McKinley group
([starter codes])
- [Project 3] starts.
- [Science Tutorial on "Air-Sea Flux of CO2"] (McKinley)
- Review of starter codes
- Discussion and Q&A
- [Tutorial on decision tree, random forests and xgboost] (Zheng)
- Discussion and Q&A
- Round robin - teams share project plans
- Group work
- Discussion and Q&A
- Group work
- Discussion and Q&A
- Project 3 presentations
- Discussion and Q&A
- Celebrate a great semester!