Send custom video greeting cards with Cardly!
Wish a long-distance family member a happy holiday, thank your friends for attending your wedding, or sing somebody happy birthday all in a quick, fun, and personalized way.
With Cardly, you can:
- Add or import your contacts into a group (e.g. "Friends", "Family", or "Coworkers")
- Record a 20-second video
- Turn your video into a greeting card by adding a frame and personalized text
- Send your video greeting card to an individual or to everyone in a group
Cardly was developed by Forrest Zhao, Ariela Cohen, Dave Neff, and Michelle Staton at the Flatiron School.
Special thanks to Len Li, Susan LoVaglio, Johann Kerr, Ian Rahman, Joel Bell and Jim Campagno for all their support.
Preview Cardly on YouTube by clicking the image below!