AJCountryPicker is library to pick country code and flag written in Swift.
- Country Flag
- Country Code
- Country Calling Code
- Country Name
- Colusres to pick country
Copy Paste Files on project... Pod is coming soon
let countryPicker = AJCountryPicker()
countryPicker.showSearchBar = true
countryPicker.customCountriesCodes = ["IN", "US"]
countryPicker.showCallingCodes = true
countryPicker.country = {
print("Selected Country Name =====> ", $0.name)
print("Selected Country ISO Code =====> ", $0.ISOCode)
print("Selected Country Calling Code =====> ", $0.callingCode)
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(countryPicker, animated: true)
AJCountryPicker is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.