This is a challenge to create architecture with client(s) send telemetries datas to backend server. All datas will be saved in database (Mongo DB). Access to backend will be done via a frontend application. Possibility to close client(s) from frontend (via backend server)
Java and Spring boot for client and backend server
Rsocket TCP communication.
Mongo DB as database
Vuejs3 and Qasar for frontend.
Git and git flow for repository management
Use Docker to install Mongo DB Database, execute this command in command line
docker volume create --name=mongodata
docker run --name mongodb -v mongodata:/data/db -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
then connect with NoSqlBooster and create database and user or connect with shell
db.createUser({user:"telemetry", pwd:"telemetry", roles:[{role:"readWrite", db: "telemetry"}]});
you can also just install mongoDB locally
Go in /delivery folder you will have for each part folder with installation guide
you can launch all projects on same computer Tested with windows distribution