A command-line firestore client.
Download one of the precompiled binaries from the latest release. (builds available for windows, Linux, Macintosh/Darwin)
Linux users can install fuego via snap:
snap install fuego
If you are comfortable building programs, you can build fuego yourself using go:
git clone
cd fuego
go build . # and 'go install .' if you want
./fuego --help
You'll need a Service Account key file to be able to access your project's firestore database. To create a service account private key file, if you don't have one, go to your firebase project console, then Project settings and then click on the Service accounts tab and generate a new private key.
Once you have your service account key file, fuego will be able to find it using one of the following options:
- Use the
flag every time you execute fuego, i.e.:
fuego --credentials ./my-account-service-private-key.json get mycollection mydocumentid
- Via the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=./my-account-service-private-key.json
fuego get mycollection mydocumentid
Firestore databases belong to projects. The google application credentials file
usually define the project that firestore will work on. You can however, if
necessary, define the project using the global option --projectid
If you need to use fuego with the firestore emulator instead of a real firestore
database, set the FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to something
appropriate (usually, localhost:8080). NOTE: When using the emulator, you
are likely not using a GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS file. Therefore, no
project will be defined. You can set a project using the global option
, otherwise it will use 'default' as the project identifier.
fuego collections
Will return the list of project's collections.
You can add new documents, using JSON:
fuego add people '{"name": "sergio", "age": 41}'
# Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf <- fuego prints the ID of the newly created document
Of fetch them, using the ID:
fuego get people Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf
# {
# "CreateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z",
# "Data": {
# "age": 41,
# "name": "sergio"
# },
# "ID": "Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf",
# "ReadTime": "2021-08-23T01:57:12.30626Z",
# "UpdateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z"
# }
Or fetch them using multiple ids:
fuego getall people WkVlcPgEJIXzdyQS6H5d f2TbJA5DIhBfXwKrMbHP
# {
# "CreateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z",
# "Data": {
# "age": 41,
# "name": "sergio"
# },
# "ID": "WkVlcPgEJIXzdyQS6H5d",
# "ReadTime": "2021-08-23T01:57:12.30626Z",
# "UpdateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z"
# },
# {
# "CreateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z",
# "Data": {
# "age": 23,
# "name": "rohan"
# },
# "ID": "f2TbJA5DIhBfXwKrMbHP",
# "ReadTime": "2021-08-23T01:57:12.30626Z",
# "UpdateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z"
# }
# ]
You can also replace an existing document:
fuego set people/Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf '{"name": "sergio", "age": 42}' # It's my birthday!
Note: we can either use the arguments collection-path document-id json-data
or document-path json-data
. This is also the case for the
delete and the get commands.
In both add
and set
commands, the document argument can be either a
JSON string (if it starts with the character {
) or a path to a JSON file, i.e.:
fuego add animals ./dog.json
To delete a document:
fuego delete people/Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf
note: this won't delete any subcollection under the document.
It's also possible to delete multiple documents without transaction
fuego delete people Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf,Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMde
To update an existing document:
fuego set --merge people Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf '{"location": "unknown"}'
# Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf <- fuego prints the ID of the updated document
fuego get people Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf
# {
# "CreateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z",
# "Data": {
# "age": 41,
# "name": "sergio",
# "location": "unknown"
# },
# "ID": "Rv7ZfnLQWprdXuulqMdf",
# "ReadTime": "2021-08-23T01:57:12.30626Z",
# "UpdateTime": "2021-08-22T23:53:31.439821Z"
# }
Our examples here use only basic JSON to represent firestore documents. However, JSON types are not enough to represent some of firestore types, for instance geo-locations or timestamps.
Please read the TYPES documentation if you want to know how fuego maps JSON documents to firestore documents, and how to express the more advanced type system using our 'extended JSON'.
You can work on sub-collections using the full path with "/"s as separators. For example:
fuego query countries/france/cities
Let's explain queries by example. First, we'll create a collection of physics Nobel laureates,
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Arthur Ashkin", "year": 2018, "birthplace": {"country":"USA", "city": "New York"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Gerard Mourou", "year": 2018, "birthplace": {"country":"FRA", "city": "Albertville"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Donna Strickland", "year": 2018, "birthplace": {"country":"CAN", "city": "Guelph"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Rainer Weiss", "year": 2017, "birthplace": {"country":"DEU", "city": "Berlin"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Kip Thorne", "year": 2017, "birthplace": {"country":"USA", "city": "Logan"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "Barry Barish", "year": 2017, "birthplace": {"country":"USA", "city": "Omaha"}}'
fuego add nobel '{"name": "David Thouless", "year": 2016, "birthplace": {"country":"GBR", "city": "Bearsden"}}'
We can query the full collection:
fuego query nobel
# Prints all our nobel laureates like this:
# [
# {
# "CreateTime": "2019-02-26T02:39:45.293936Z",
# "Data": {
# "birthplace": {
# "city": "Bearsden",
# "country": "GBR"
# },
# "name": "David Thouless",
# "year": 2016
# },
# "ID": "BJseSVoBatOOt8gcwZWx",
# "ReadTime": "2019-02-26T02:55:19.419627Z",
# "UpdateTime": "2019-02-26T02:39:45.293936Z"
# },
# .... etc
Which will fetch and display the documents in the collection, unfiltered. By default, fuego will fetch only 100 documents. You can change the limit using the --limit
You can also order the results using the --orderby
and --orderdir
flags. For example, to sort our Nobel laureates by country of origin, in
ascending order:
fuego query --orderby --orderdir ASC nobel
You can add filters, using the firestore supported operators :
>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=, <in>, <not-in>, <array-contains> or <array-contains-any>
You can combine several filters in a single query. For example, to get the 2018 Nobel laureates from the USA:
fuego query nobel ' == "USA"' 'year == 2018'
which will print:
"CreateTime": "2019-02-26T02:14:02.692077Z",
"Data": {
"birthplace": {
"city": "New York",
"country": "USA"
"name": "Arthur Ashkin",
"year": 2018
"ID": "glHCUu7EZ3gkuDaVlXqv",
"ReadTime": "2019-02-26T03:00:15.576398Z",
"UpdateTime": "2019-02-26T02:59:55.889775Z"
Or USA and Germany.
fuego query nobel ' <in> ["USA","DEU"]' 'year == 2018'
Let's say we want to find the least recent Nobel from the USA, we can write the following query:
fuego query --limit 1 --orderby year --orderdir ASC nobel " == 'USA'"
oops, we get the following error from the server, because our query needs an index to work:
rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = The query requires an index.
You can create it here:
After creating the index, we re-run the query and now we obtain:
"CreateTime": "2019-02-26T02:39:44.458647Z",
"Data": {
"birthplace": {
"city": "Omaha",
"country": "USA"
"name": "Barry Barish",
"year": 2017
"ID": "ainH3nkOA2xusEBON2An",
"ReadTime": "2019-02-26T03:12:07.156643Z",
"UpdateTime": "2019-02-26T02:39:44.458647Z"
I our previous examples, all the segments of the path part of a filter contained alphanumeric or the _ character and did not start with a number. When this conditions are met, they can be written unquoted. Otherwise, they need to be unquoted.
fuego query weirdcollection 'really." ".strage." but valid ".fieldname == "even blank keys are valid"'
As for values, numeric, string, boolean (true or false) and timestamp values are supported in filters. Examples of queries:
"age >= 34", "name == 'paul'", "married == true", and "birthday == 1977-06-28T04:00:00Z"
Note that timestamps values should use the RFC3339 format and should not be quoted. Boolean values are represented by the unquoted true and false strings.
Arrays values should be expressed as in the following example. Notice that items are separated by space:
fuego query cities 'name <in> ["bogota" "cali" "medellin"]'
Use the --select flag to explicitely ask for the specific fields you want to be retrieved (you can define many using several --select)
fuego query --select name --select year --limit 1 --orderby year --orderdir ASC nobel " == 'USA'"
If necessary, you can use the firestore pagination parameters to manually page through results. Combining --limit with the flags --startat, --startafter, --endat, and --endbefore, which all accept the ID of a document.
You can make group queries by using the -g flag.
Basic usage
fuego copy source target
We can copy a collection and its sub collections
fuego copy countries/france/cities countries/germany/cities
By default, existing documents in target collection will be skipped. If you want to overwrite the existing document, just use --overwrite
fuego copy countries/france/cities countries/germany/cities --overwrite
Also, using flag --merge let us can use merging mode to overwrite the existing documents
fuego copy countries/france/cities countries/germany/cities --overwrite --merge
We can copy a document and its sub collections.
fuego copy countries/france countries/germany
Parameters --merge and --overwrite can also be used to specify the copying behavior.
We may have firestore in different Google projects. We can specify the source project credential by using --src-credentials
(or -sc
) and target project credential by using --dest-credentials
(or -dc
The default value of the --src-credentials
and --dest-credentials
is our current working project.
fuego copy countries/france countries/germany --src-credentials ./project-a-key.json --dest-credentials ./project-b-key.json --overwrite --merge
fuego copy countries/france/cities countries/germany/cities --src-credentials ./project-a-key.json --dest-credentials ./project-b-key.json
We may also have a credential that has access to different projects. We can specify the source project ID by --src-projectid
(or -sp
) and target project ID by using --dest-projectid
(or -dp
The default value of the --src-prjectid
and --dest-prjectid
is the ID of our current working project.
fuego copy countries/france countries/germany --src-projectid project-a --dest-projectid project-b --overwrite --merge
fuego copy countries/france/cities countries/germany/cities --dest-projectid prject-c
See the HACKING file for some guidance on how to contribute.