$ NASA_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
$ export NASA_API_KEY
$ npm install && npm start
$ npm test
with coverage
$ npm run coverage
It takes a while for the data for the largest NEO to load from the API, currently it seems to take around 8 minutes 50 seconds. Without delay it seems to always hit the rate limit. 15000 ms batch delay was the smallest I could use it reliably with. You can try NO_DELAY=true npm start
when starting to eliminate the delay. Use DEBUG=true
to enable some logging.
$ sudo docker pull sonarqube:latest
$ sudo docker run -d --network=host --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true sonarqube:latest
If you don't want to use dockerized scanner, you don't have to use host network argument
Once your instance is up and running, Log in to http://localhost:9000 using System Administrator credentials:
login: admin password: admin
Use shell variable to store token
NEO_API_SONAR_TOKEN=<your token>
Run scanner:
$ sudo docker run --network=host --rm -e SONAR_HOST_URL="http://localhost:9000" -e SONAR_LOGIN="${NEO_API_SONAR_TOKEN}" -v "${PWD}:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli
- Check all arrow functions -> change to implicit returns
- Remove duplicate code in data sources
- Unify function names in resolvers.ts